
The principle of a successful economy

- Zhambyl Region
12233 просмотров

RCE expressed its position on certain aspects of the article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "The Plan of the Nation - a way to Kazakhstan's Dream"

Speaking at the briefing at the regional branch office of the Service of Central Communications, the Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs Karlygash Aralbekova noted that in his article leader of the nation once again elaborated on the challenges that face the society and the state on the way to the implementation of the five institutional reforms. 59 laws that create an entirely new legal environment for the development of the state, economy and society entered into force.

"We are impressed by the fact that the Head of State in the first place stressed the need for comprehensive state support of small and medium-sized businesses, ensuring an adequate level of its protection - said Karlygash Aralbekova. - The principle of successfully operating economy. Many aspects are embodied in the Entrepreneurial Code, comprising modernized legal aspects of rehabilitation and bankruptcy procedures for business.

To date, the number of business entities in Zhambyl region is 75,453 entities. 99.3 percent of small enterprises, 0.5 per cent – of the average ones and 0.1 percent of large ones. In 2015, the Regional Chamber of entrepreneurs received in total 5454 applications, of which 62 per cent from the regional center, the rest of the applicants represented the districts of the region. "

One of the main tasks of the Chamber is protection of the rights of entrepreneurs. The vast majority of complaints - about 80 percent in this segment refers to the small business, the other 20 to the middle. Big business is having enough qualified staff lawyers and accountants to be able to solve their problems.

With regard to legal issues, 76 of the 279 applications are related to the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, 42 of them were positively solved. If to structure by segments, 48 percent were related to land issues, 21 percent – tax issues, 18 - public procurement. On the whole, the rights of entrepreneurs were protected in the amount of more than 1.6 billion tenge.

Every year the role of the Chamber of entrepreneurs in social and economic development of the region is increasing, so the interest of media to the activities of RCE is understandable.

There were many questions to the director of the Chamber. Regarding the consolidation of farms Karlygash Aralbekova said that the number of members of the production cooperative "Merkі Onimderi" for the production of dairy products, the first pilot project in the area, increased from 15 to 37. Now the main thing is to solve the problems of the future production of the raw material, that is, the purchase of highly productive breeding stock. The representatives of the Chamber will act as observers in public procurement, will be actively involved in shaping of standards of public-private partnership. Karlygash Aralbekova also explained what obstacles exist in the de-dollarization of the economy, how the State protects the rights of property owners when combined into cooperatives, what needs to be done to ensure that people do not build restaurants, but establish production, how to establish a small business in a rural area.

The briefing went beyond the allotted time, and evolved into a full-scale discussion about the development of entrepreneurship in general. Karlygash Aralbekova made noted regarding some questions raised by journalists, as a result the dialogue was informative and helpful for all parties.

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