
Freight grain in bulkers

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China has simplified the requirements for the Kazakh suppliers

China has canceled some of the requirements for the Kazakh products. This was announced today at a briefing at the Service of Central Communications by the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakhytzhan Sagintayev.

"Before, we could not get into the Chinese market, because we had to supply grain in sacks. This year, we have agreed with China that they remove these barriers. Now we can supply grain in grain bulkers and container - in any form", - said B. Sagintayev.

According to him, now there is an agreement on the supply of 500 thousand tons at first, then to increase the volume up to one million tons. Among other prospects of the Kazakh-Chinese cooperation, the First Deputy Prime Minister called the transfer of industrial facilities from China to the territory of Kazakhstan, with the possible construction of new enterprises. "Moreover, you know that now it is very difficult to get funding at the global markets. In this regard, Chinese banks are now willing to fund projects that will be carried out in Kazakhstan", - said B. Sagintayev.

Developing this theme, the first deputy head of the Government said that "now they want to consume organic products, they find great interest in Kazakhstan".

"They said they are ready to buy anything that will be made by Kazakhstan. Of course, we are interested in China, we will supply livestock products, they are interested in our vegetable oils, confectionery products", - summed up Bakhytzhan Sagintayev.

Zhanar Serdalina

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