
NCE presented the unified construction rules

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The period for presentation of documents was reduced, separate procedures were united by the principle of "one window"

The results of the work of the Committee of construction, production of building materials and housing of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" in the framework of the Plan of the nation "100 concrete steps", which was initiated by the Head of State, were announced on 14th of January 2016 at a press briefing at NCE. The Deputy Chairman of NCE RK Yuliya Yakupbaeva, the Chairman of the Committee of the Presidium Alexander Belovich and executive director of the Association of Legal Entities "Association of builders of Kazakhstan" Aslan A. Tukiyev.

Yuliya Yakupbaeva noted that NCE receives numerous complaints from entrepreneurs on complex procedures of reconciliation of documentation in the field of architecture and construction. "NCE repeatedly informed at all levels on this issue, and we are grateful for the fact that the Head of State proposed in the Plan of the nation "100 concrete steps" to compile a single normative document, which regulates the process of going through all the licensing procedures in construction", - she said.

In the summer of last year, the Chamber announced about the creation of a working group on the basis of ULE "Association of Developers of Kazakhstan" for the preparation of this document and business opinion. The corresponding rules were adopted by the Decree of the Minister of National Economy on 30th of December 2015.

As a result, the period for presentation of documents was reduced from 91 to 15 working days (reduction of up to 6 times), harmonization of a sketch design from 30 to 10 working days (down 3 times). In addition, the coordination of projects of in the framework of external networks for expertise of the project, thus reducing the procedure for 30-60 days. Specific procedures are united on the principle of "one window".

The main idea of ​​the unified construction regulations is the fact that at the legislative level, the possibility of local executive and representative bodies to develop additional regional regulatory legal acts in the field is eliminated, thus excluding administrative barriers for investors, developers at the local level.

As you know, due to previous reforms, Kazakhstan’s indicator for "building permits" rose from 154 to 92 place in Doing Business. In connection with the adoption of uniform construction rules, the country can rise by this indicator even higher.

The working group will continue work in this area. "We plan to optimize procedures for obtaining rights for land plots and to begin work on the development of the Town Planning Code in the near future", - said Yakupbaeva.

Aslan Tukiyev in turn, reported that the new regulations retained the most important stages of construction, individual stages, on the contrary, have been changed with the help of experts. "The main indicator is the fact that service receivers will receive a package of documents, grouped to advance to the next stage, there are only 4 in total. The economy is seen not only in terms of time, but also from a financial point of view. Some reforms and changes were introduced in the rules, mainly in the concept of "full readiness", the process of putting into operation was detailed", - he added.

Yuliya Yakupbaeva addressed to businessmen with the request during the pilot phase to inform NCE about the problems that arise during submission of documentation in accordance with the new rules.

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