
A single online system of tourists services can be created in Astana

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The NCE discussed cooperation with the major American shipping company

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" organized a round table where representatives of the capital's taxi companies, airport, train station, as well as the company “Astana Innovation” met with potential investors from the United States. In particular, there were well-known transport companies “Carmel” and “Elizarov Consulting Group”, which deals with start-up projects.

"The company “Carmel” provides services for tourists arriving to the cities of the United States. They provide a complete package of services: taxi, visiting some sites, etc. All this is done an on-line mode. The company has more than 180 offices throughout the world", - said the Deputy Chairman of NCE RK Nurzhan Altaev in an interview.

According to him, Astana aroused great interest among Americans, including in connection with the exhibition  “EXPO” in 2017. About 5 million people will visit Astana. From now on we must work closely with these services in developed countries. The fact, that the company wants to invest in Kazakhstan and establish the work with local businesses, is very encouraging. So today we have organized this round table meeting with taxi companies, airports, railway stations. Yesterday they visited Astana airport, the railway station, including a new railway station, which is being built. And we think that this is the beginning of a great cooperation", - said the deputy chairman of NCE RK.

Altaev said that “Carmel” encourages all taxi companies and companies that provide services for tourists to unite: airlines, airports, railway station, taxis, theaters and other attractions. They must have a common online platform. "Let's say you come to the airport and you're going to fly, say, to Frankfurt. At the airport in New York, the company “Carmel” has a special access point via which you can order a taxi in Frankfurt, theater tickets or tickets to any museum. You have not yet departed from New York, but you can book all these services, paying online. Upon arrival a taxi will wait for you, which will take you to the right place", - he explained.

The representative of NCE said that this is the first study tour of the company to Kazakhstan. "They want to evaluate our market, that is why we have already received some concrete investment proposals", - he said.

According to the president of “Carmel” Avik Kabessa, a single mechanism will not only benefit beneficiaries, but also to all the participants. "We see that we have a lot of components that we can apply in Kazakhstan. We can join everyone in order to create a single mechanism that will provide services to tourists before they arrive to Kazakhstan, and when they leave. Thus, all the processes will be optimized; income of all members will increase as well. Small businesses can participate in this, contributing to the economy of Kazakhstan", - he said.

"What do we see now? There are private taxi companies, the drivers of which shout: "Taxi, Taxi!" And there is no guarantee of a passenger’s safety. It also defines the image of the country", - added Kabessa.

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