
The Updated SPFIID was presented at the NCE RK "Atameken"

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Business needs clear rules, rather than a set of measures, said the head of the board of NCE RK Ablay Myrzakhmetov

"Second Five Year Plan began in difficult conditions. The head of state, taking into account all the conditions, ordered to update the state innovation development program until 1st of April. This is one of the main programs, which aims to diversify the economy. I want to support the view that the program should not be a set of measures and the map of projects, for the first time it is targeted at the investment climate. Business needs clear rules of how the legal framework will work, as well as tools, rules of participation, why certain projects are selected, in which industries, why such priorities were chosen. It is now extremely important to monitor the investment climate, the business environment", - said Myrzakhmetov, speaking at a selectoral meeting on the second five-year period of SPFIID at the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs.

The chairman of the Board of NCE RK noted that during the second five-year period, it is essential that it will consist of two levels: national and regional. At the national level, the Ministry of Investment and Development, together with NCE will monitor the key projects by each industry. Regions are fully managed by the Chamber and the local executive bodies. "We have already begun this work. Regional maps we prepared, in February we will be able to present them. They will be in the public domain, they will be continuously updated. We want region to adhere to their specialization, based on real factors, markets, stories. A key factor, which should be dealt with local authorities, is work on improvement of the business environment, removal of barriers and creation of conditions for business", - he said.

Vice-Minister for Investment and Development of the RK Rakhim Oshakbayev said what changes were introduced to the state program. "First of all, we have changed the format. We suggest to make it in the format of the so-called “White Paper”, which means absolute readability. We propose to leave the focus on the manufacturing industry, to implement the service component in other programs, including in the state program of development of services and other ", - he said.

"We would like to offer a harmonious interior architecture and basically abandon direct support measures for industries and enterprises. As you know, at the time when we had huge incomes to the budget, we could afford to make direct investments in certain sectors, even in individual projects. Now there is no fiscal space. The aim of SPFIID is to create conditions for the growth of competitiveness in the manufacturing industry. And we would like to direct the main focus on the establishment of common horizontal conditions for manufacturing industries", - added Oshakbayev.

Also, according to the vice minister, the program will focus on the development of individual industries. "This will be reflected in the Roadmap of a particular industry. We define 6 priority sectors, but there will be no limitations. The third component is the formation of the so-called clusters", - he said.

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