
Who will "cure" medical devices?

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There is a necessity to prepare specialists for the repair of medical equipment in hospitals and clinics in Kazakhstan

The issue of improvement of the quality of maintenance of medical equipment was discussed at the meeting at NCE RK, which took place with the participation of representatives of the Department of Health and Social Development, the National Chamber of entrepreneurs, JSC "KazMedTeh" and business structures. In particular, they discussed the expansion of involvement of the private sector in maintenance of medical equipment.

According to participants, a collapse can happen in the long term when medical equipment may simply fail because of the lack of normal service. By the way, it was acquired for huge sums of money. And, as a result, health facilities won’t be able to provide quality service to the population. "This situation is associated with the tightening of the requirements for healthcare organizations, which provide healthcare services in terms of maintenance of medical equipment, including the current repairs", - explained at NCE RK "Atameken".

Meanwhile, more efficient use of medical equipment is one of the topical issues of the health sector, and its importance is increasing every year due to the increase of equipment at medical organizations, medical facilities (during last 5 years it has reached about 70%) and the new economic conditions.

The development of a new health care model, which has a technology base and qualified medical engineers that meet the new challenges of our time in terms of quality – is not an easy task, and Kazakh businessmen expressed their willingness to participate actively in its implementation.

"Today in the republic there is a lack of developed practice of training of medical personnel on the basis of manufacturers or institutions involved in the training of maintenance of appropriate types of equipment that threaten the provision of medical assistance to the population. Issues of downtime and inefficient use of equipment also require attention, the development of standards of equipment and after guarantee maintenance ", - commented the representatives of the relevant committee of NCE RK.

The meeting resulted in a decision to revise the order of the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by May 29, 2015 # 427 "On Approval of Rules of maintenance of medical equipment in the Republic of Kazakhstan" in terms of reduction of barriers for participation of private sector in the technical support of medical organizations, as well as development of proposals to enhance the capacity of Kazakh maintenance engineers.

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