
Construction without barriers

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All permits in the construction sector will be issued on the principle of a single-window

According to the Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Yuliya Yakupbaeva All licensing procedures in the construction industry need to be grouped into a single system of licensing procedures.

The contact with state agencies is excluded.

"Paragraph 2 of Article 15 of the Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan pointed out that in order to limit the contact of businesses with government agencies in the process of state regulation of business, the legal acts should stipulate the application of the principle of "single window", according to which all the necessary approvals from the state authorities must be obtained by the public authorities as a part of interagency cooperation ", - said the deputy chairman of NCE RK.

According to Yuliya Yakupbaevoy the principle "single window" is being implemented within the framework of investment.

"Thus, Article 282 of the Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan noted that the authorized body for investment cooperates with investors through the creation and maintenance of "single window" for investors. The principle of "single window" for investors implies centralized form of assistance to investors by the authorized body for investment in the provision of public services, providing minimization participation of investors' in the collection and preparation of documents and the limitation of their direct contact with government agencies", - explained the Deputy Chairman of NCE RK.

Borrowed from the Canadians and Australians

According to her, today, after the signing of the law by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on creation of the state corporation "The government for the citizens", aimed at improving the quality of public services, it is expected that Kazakhstan will get the majority of public services on the principle of "single window".

"The law takes into account international experience, particularly in Canada, where a uniform legal system Canada Service operates on the principle of a full cycle of public services, i.e. receipt, processing and delivery of documents is carried out by the organization itself, as well as similar experience of Australia “Centrelink", - added Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

According to her, the essence of the borrowed Canadian experience means full automation and continuity of sequential processes from the application to the result.

The Australian scheme of provision of public services is focused on provision of quality services through the effective use of information and communication technologies. The experience of the United Kingdom, Germany, South Korea also can be considered as positive and significant for Kazakhstan.

Rules of the game are changing

As it was noted by the deputy chairman of NCE, any construction consists of the following successive stages: collection and preparation of initial permits, engineering, project expertise, construction and installation work, commissioning. "It also stipulates various types of activities, which the owner of the building, structure or premises is entitled to carry out, for example, the reconstruction (redevelopment, refurbishment) of residential and commercial premises, change of the functional purpose of the object, change of the purpose of land, demolition, etc. At each of these stages an entrepreneur faces red tape on the part of officials, excessive demands, exaggerated terms, unjustified increase in the number of required documents, etc. At the same time we can’t ignore one important factor that our country consists of 16 regions, in which the procedure for granting land rights is regulated by regional acts", - said Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

According to her, permits in the construction sector are issued by the Committee for Construction, Housing and Land Management of the Ministry of National Economy, Regional Departments of land relations under the local Akimats, Regional Departments of architecture.

"On the whole, there are 33 state agencies and many central and regional quasi-public sector organizations, as well as monopolies, which set the rules" of the game, - commented the deputy chairman of NCE RK. - That is why the widespread implementation of the principle of "single window" in the construction industry will have only positive effect and its implementation will minimize administrative barriers and eliminate the direct interaction with the officials upon application for the public services".

A uniform document will be adopted

According to Yuliya Yakupbaeva in summer of 2015 under the auspices of NCE RK on the basis of ULE "Developers Association of Kazakhstan" was created the Working Group on the Rules of organization of construction and passage of licensing procedures in the construction industry, which will present a uniform national document on extradition of initial permits in the construction sector.

The document explains in details every construction process, from the time of initial application to a government agency to the time of commissioning, clear time frame for consideration of documents by the authorized bodies and their subordinate organizations, disparate national standards and regulations, unnecessary duplicating documents were excluded from the list of permits. The Working Group included representatives of NCE, the Committee for Construction, Housing and Land Management of MNE RK, professional associations, local government offices and construction companies.

The plans include development of the Town Planning Code

"Today, Rules of organization of construction and passage of licensing procedures in the construction industry were prepared, but the work of the Working Group continues. We will continue to streamline procedures and registration of land rights (amendments to the Land Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan). The next step on the basis of the agreement reached with the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan will be the development draft of the Town Planning Code ", - said Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

On 30th of December 2015 Rules of organization of construction and passage of licensing procedures in the construction industry, developed by the Working Group of NCE, were adopted by order of the minister of the national economy of Kazakhstan.

As a result, the term of presentation of materials was reduced from 91 to 15 working days (reduction of up to 6 times), the terms of coordination of draft design - from 30 to 10 working days (down 3 times), the coordination of projects of external networks for 30-60 days, separate procedures were united on the principle of "single window".

"Prior to the adoption of the Rules, the construction of an object required on average receipt of 50 permits (permits, notifications, approvals, opinions, etc.), more than 260 signatures, and eventually took 3 to 5 years", - summarized Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

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