
Yuri Tleumuratov: NCE proposes to develop a road map of tourism development

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Director of RCE of Almaty initiates the creation of the Working Group, consisting of representatives of Akimat of Almaty and NCE RK "Atameken"

According to the compiled business development map, each region has certain specialization. One of the priority sectors of the city of Almaty is tourism. Since more than 30% of the gross regional product of the city is formed by trade and it is expected that there will be reduction in the share of trade due to reduced demand and the increased cost of imports, NCE proposes to strengthen measures on promotion of tourism.

"In this connection, it is proposed to create a joint working group between akimat of Almaty, NCE RK and RCEs in order to develop in a 3-month period a detailed road map of tourism development with the definition of the scope of the necessary funding. The Working Group should include business associations and the subjects of the tourism industry", - said the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Yuri Tleumuratov.

He also said that Almaty Chamber regularly conducts the analysis of systemic problems of business. This year the monitoring covered over 3 thousand subjects of business of Almaty. As a result, we found 1 139 specific problems of enterprises, which  were grouped in 7 most occurring systemic problems: the complexity of the marketing of products of domestic manufacturers (56.2%), access to financial resources (17.2%), procurement and local content (12.6 %), administrative barriers (9.4%), access to state programs of business support (3.1%), other problems (0.8%), problems with the tax administration (0.7%).

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs has developed proposals to address the major challenges in terms of administrative barriers during interaction of business with state agencies. So, businesses often have difficulties in obtaining permits. In this regard, NCE considers it necessary to give the Chamber access to Unified system of electronic document circulation of state bodies to monitor appeals of business to state agencies (to avoid formal replies, violations of terms and unjustified refusals), create a call-center for ongoing monitoring of the problems of business related to the provision of public services, as well as to connect centers for servicing entrepreneurs to the VPN-channel and integrate the database with government agencies and SEM for issuance of permits at the Centers for Servicing Entrepreneurs.

In accordance with the Message of the Head of State, the second wave of large-scale privatization was launched in the country. There was formed Almaty Privatization Commission. It is necessary to expand the coverage of the commission’s activities through the involvement of the public. In this regard, the National Chamber offers besides the list approved by the Government, within the framework of the principles of “Yellow Pages”, create a registry of all objects of communal property of Almaty, to hold hearings on all objects, and everything that does not conform to the principles of “Yellow Pages” (presentation of sufficient number of arguments on reasonableness of state’s involvement in the economy), to include in the list of privatization, including in the form of PPP.

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