
Timur Kulibayev: Privatization by payment "in installments"

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Head of NCE RK "Atameken" believes that it is necessary to help local entrepreneurs who are not able to buy an object immediately

Lack of tenge liquidity, which currently hinders the conduction of business activities, may slow down the privatization process. That is why it is important to consider the introduction of a variety of tools for the implementation of the state program.

"Today, in the framework of the privatization a priority should be given to domestic entrepreneurs. Representatives of "Atameken" should be included in the composition of all the privatization commissions. Realizing the difficult economic situation, in which not every diligent businessman is able to buy immediately an object, we propose to use the method of payment "in installments" or the mechanism of "trust management", - said chairman of the Presidium of the Chamber "Atameken" Kulibayev at the II Annual Conference of entrepreneurs in Almaty.

The head of "Atameken" raised the issue of effective management of the enterprises, which are republican and municipal property, which were not included in the list of privatization objects. "In this regard we offer to form a joint working group and by the example of Almaty to analyze all the municipal property and hearing on all objects. It is necessary to identify companies that can be transferred to the competitive environment or in trust management. I am confident that this approach will increase the efficiency of enterprises, as well as reduce the costs of Akimats’ operational management expenses", - concluded Timur Kulibayev.

The initiative of the head of NCE RK was supported by the Akim of Almaty Bauyrzhan Baibek. It is planned to transfer in private hands 20 objects of state property in Almaty in 2016. Of these object, most are unprofitable now. "Last year was privatized "Almatyelectrotrans ", this state-owned enterprise was on the verge of closing, there were huge debts. This year, the company has risen to its feet, passenger transportation was brought in line with international standards, there were saved jobs and debts were paid off".

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