
Astana promises comfort to taxpayers

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Operating halls of the State Revenue Department will be more convenient and useful

The head of the State Revenue Department of the city of Astana Abylkairov Skakov predicted today the positive changes and growth of discipline among taxpayers. He noted that among the priorities of the authorities of the State Revenue is quick servicing of users. According to him, the average waiting time in the queue is reduced to 5.5 times from 34 to 6 minutes, each visit to the Tax Service center takes "about 10 minutes" from an entrepreneur.

"According to customs services, the customs clearance time was reduced by 1.5 hours on the import and export, we can observe an improvement resulting in 51 minutes", - said Skakov.

"The plans for the current year - a full brand book the operating room, you have to create a new perception of the concept of public revenue authorities, which will be based on the user-friendly navigation, comfortable service and high level of customer focus. These measures contribute to instilling a legal culture among businesses and increase of the level of voluntary payment of taxes and duties", - said the head of the parliamentary friendship group.

In addition, the "work of Astana fiscal control unit was rebuilt". As a result, the use of the risk management system "allowed to detect tax and customs risks, given the dimension and business specifics".

"As a result, we have moved from quantity to quality. Thus, the number of tax inspections is reduced by 38%, but the recovery rate increased 13 times and amounted to 20 billion tenge", - reported A. Skakov.

The number of people covered by in-house control, reduced by 6000 and the recovery doubled and amounted to 5.5 billion tenge.

"The emphasis is made on companies in order to identify schemes of evasion of taxes and duties among quasi-public sector enterprises, public procurement and persons applying multilevel schemes of tax evasion", - summed up the head of the State Revenue Department.

Zhanar Serdalina

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