
Timur Kulibayev: Almaty should become a tourist hub of the country

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It is necessary to build a transport and logistics business for the development of domestic tourism

According to the Map of regional development of NCE RK "Atameken", there were identified priority sectors in Almaty: tourism, financial services and trade, which accounts for 30% of GRP.

Due to a marked reduction in the financial and commercial areas, the focus should be given to the development of domestic tourism. This was said at the 2nd annual conference of businessmen in Almaty.

"What is tourism? It is the availability of hotel rooms, leisure and trade, - stated the head of "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev. - Accordingly, it is necessary to introduce a new format of marketplaces. It is evident that we have a great flow from the Republic of China, from the new member of the Eurasian Economic Union - Kyrgyzstan and Almaty needs to become a tourist hub that meets all of these flows, generates and distributes them throughout the country. It is new format of transport and logistics business in Almaty, possibly through the PPP system. Akim of Almaty noted that we have 52 projects of public-private partnership, there are also transport issues, and the construction of schools and hospitals. I propose to expand this list by the transport and logistics business, it's important".

For the development of the tourism industry leadership of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty initiated the establishment of the Working Group, together with experts NCE RK "Atameken", Akimat of Almaty and representatives of tourism associations. "We suggest to establish an expert group in a 3-month period for the analysis of the tourist potential, which would include the following subgroups: hotel business, transport, catering system, points of tourist attractions, visa and customs issues, training for the industry", - said the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Yuri Tleumuratov.

Akim of Almaty supported the idea and expressed willingness to cooperate with the Chamber of Almaty. "We propose to go further and to establish a Working Group within less than three months. This year marks the millennium of Almaty, the anniversary date determined by UNESCO. For six months we have worked out our proposals for the development of the tourism industry. There are ideas, innovations, criticism. I think together we can achieve some success", - concluded Bauyrzhan Baibek.

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