
Farmers are waiting for support

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Participants of agribusiness ask the Government of Kazakhstan to solve rapidly the problems in the field of agriculture

Questions, problems, forecasts. The Congress of Farmers of Kazakhstan opened in such a manner in Astana today, which was attended by 320 delegates from all over the country.

The Congress was attended by Minister of Agriculture Asylzhan Mamytbekov.

Opening the forum, the chairman of the Union of Farmers of Kazakhstan Auezkhan Darinov focused on the problems of local farmers. One of them is unavailability of bank loans for small farms. According to Darinov, large farmers can provide an expensive collateral, but small farmers can’t provide it. "In addition, potential borrowers faced many other additional conditions as a result of the loans become unaffordable", - added Darinov.

Much has been said about amendments to the Tax Code, which created problems for rural taxpayers. "Large farmers began to experience difficulty after the entry into force of amendments to the Tax Code, which have been introduced to combat unsustainable use of land. For certain categories of farms was increased significantly the tax burden, moreover, there are contradictions in the code, creating difficulties for small-scale farms, today working under special tax regime", - said the head of the Union of Farmers of Kazakhstan.

The chief farmer of the country paid particular attention to the land issue.

"According to the developers of the Code, it was envisaged that farmers will purchase the land plots within one year, i.e. during the previous years, the state sold only 1.1% of agricultural lands, how the state officials  intended to sell the remaining 98.9% within one year – it is a great mystery for me. An even greater mystery: where farmers will take 500-600 billion tenge for the purchase of a land plot", - asked Auezkhan Darinov a perfectly reasonable question.

He reminded that "the state was planning through financial institutions to allocate for this purpose loans to farmers at 3% per annum, but this proposal was later removed from the draft code".

"One thing is obvious: bureaucrats are cut off from the realities of the Kazakh village, so we encourage them to listen to the opinion of the Union of Farmers. The problem is that many of the laws and regulations in our country are adopted too quickly, although it should take months and years", - summed Auezkhan Darinov.

Other congress participants also presented their stances. They raised topical issues, in particular, the lack of experience in the marketing of their products, they talked about the possibilities and prospects of the crisis. Many cited the facts and calculations showing the dynamics of Kazakhstan in terms of import of food products. Thus, according to NFC, only within first 11 months of 2015, Kazakhstan spent about 3 billion dollars on food imports. Domestic farmers are not happy with this situation.

"We have learned how to grow, but we faced with the problem of selling our products. It is necessary to learn to market the produced goods as soon as possible", - this idea was repeatedly stressed during the Congress today.

Zhanar Serdalina

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