
To eat the fish and not to spoil the environment

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NCE offers a solution to the problems associated with the consequences of poaching

NCE RK "Atameken" on a permanent basis is working on identification of the legal norms that create barriers to doing business. So, in 2014 in the framework of the abolition of inert regulations, that hinder the development of entrepreneurship, the question was raised about the lifting of the ban on the use of sea-line nets for fishing. As it was noted by the director of the Department of public monitoring and working with administrative barriers NCE RK Erbol Ustemirov, after lengthy discussion of the issue at the site of NCE RK "Atameken" with the participation of representatives of the Committee of Fisheries of the Ministry of Agriculture (currently the Committee of Forestry and Wildlife Ministry of Agriculture), it was decided to remove a ban on the use of sea-line nets for fishing, and introducing limitation on their types (with a diameter of threads of at least 0.5 millimeters and a mesh size of not less than 100 millimeters).

Meanwhile, at the moment the entrepreneurs of East Kazakhstan region, engaged in fishing, again send appeals on the need to review the requirements related to the limitation of parameters of networks. According to Ustemirov, the set restrictions do not allow entrepreneurs to develop allocated quotas, which were granted by  authorized body, and beneficial effects on the increase of poaching.

Moreover, the available fishing nets, produced by major Russian companies, have smaller measurement than the ones approved by the aforementioned order.

It is suggested to solve the problem of water pollution by abandoned nets by increasing state control for detection of the facts of poaching, as well as illegal installation of networks with the authority to seize nets with unapproved parameters.

In this regard, NCE has sent a proposal to the Ministry of Agriculture on a detailed study of the question and introduction of changes to the parameters of nets, that are allowed to be used. It was also proposed to consider the possibility of appointment a group of people at each state structure, supervising natural resources, which will remove the abandoned fishing nets. These measures will help to eliminate the unfavorable ecological situation associated with the effects of poaching (by sea-line and rag nets).

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