
Other burdening conditions of Rosselkhoznadzor

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Questions of export of Kazakh products to Russia were discussed at NCE

On 7th of September this year at the site of NCE RK "Atameken", chaired by a member of the Board of the Chamber Dana Zhunusova with the participation of Vice Minister of Agriculture Gulmira Isayeva, was held a working meeting with representatives of regions and businesses regarding export of products subject to phyto-sanitary and veterinary control in the Russian Federation.

As it is known that the Russian side on 13th of May  2016 introduced temporary restrictions on the import of products of Kazakhstan origin into / through the territory of the Russian Federation, subject to veterinary control (supervision), due to the outbreak of pasteurellosis in the Aktobe region.

As a result of carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture work, September 2 this year removed restrictions of the epizootic situation pasteurellosis.

However, according to the letter of Rosselkhoznadzor dated by 2nd of September 2016, in connection with the registration of cases of nodular dermatitis (ND) on the territory of Atyrau region of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the temporary constraints are still valid in the form of additional security measures on the import of susceptible to the disease animals and products derived from them.

Vice-Minister of Agriculture of Kazakhstan announced that from 5th of September  2016 for 2 months bovine animals and products derived from moved from them moved from Kazakhstan to Russia it, should be directed to the points of acceptance notifications (PAC), previously established for Kazakh products subject to veterinary and phyto-sanitary control. At PAC specialists of the Russian authorities would take samples of imported products for safety. Upon positive result of the documentary and physical control, a stamp will be put on the back side of the veterinary certificate "the goods taken into account". In the case of a negative result, and return of the product, the stamp “release is denied” will be put on the back side of the certificate".

During the meeting, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan gave explanations to entrepreneurs regarding request of the Russian side in additional documents to the existing veterinary certificate reflecting the information about epizootic welfare of the farm, the absence of clinical signs, no vaccination against ND and conduct of appropriate laboratory studies.

At the same time, Vice Minister Isayevs assured the businessmen about the absence of the difficulties in providing such information by the required form.

Necessary laboratory tests, namely ND diagnostics via immunodiffusion reaction (RID), will be carried out by 204-name regional, district branches of RSE on PVC "Republican Veterinary Laboratory” of the Committee of veterinary control and supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture of RK on a free basis.

Deputy Chairman Zhunusova, in turn, focused attention of entrepreneurs on the fact that this measure is temporary, as well as the advisability of following through Russian PAC when moving agricultural products to the Russian Federation in this period, since failure to meet the requirements of the Russian side by one or more carriers casts a shadow of mistrust on all suppliers of livestock and crop production.

At the same time, entrepreneurs expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of up to date clear Russian regulations on operation of PAC in terms of inspections of controlled goods, the list of the required documentation, the reasons and timing of possible delays and restrictions.

It was also noted that the main reason of difficulty of export of Kazakhstani agricultural products to the Russian Federation is the low level of information exchange between the competent authorities of the parties. Modern specialized information systems allow to keep track of processes of movement of goods to the smallest details, as well as the presence of those or other permits, the issuance of which is should be reflected in the relevant system. However, domestic carriers are still subject to physical inspection of the goods and documentation.

Ms. Zhunusova stressed that NCE RK "Atameken", knowing that the neglect and failure to comply with the requirements will entail the risk of cessation of exports of Kazakh agricultural products to the Russian Federation, calls on national business to the maximum tolerance during the duration of the additional burdening requirements.

At the same time, the Chamber supports the early lifting of restrictions on the import of domestic agricultural products and elimination of points of preliminary notification near the line of the Kazakh-Russian border as significant physical barriers to the export of Kazakh products of animal and vegetable origin, and looks forward to the effective collaboration of the Ministry of Agriculture with Russian Rosselhoznadzor.

Dana Zhunusova addressed to local entrepreneurs about the need to inform promptly the Chamber about the facts of illegal actions on the part of the employees of Rosselkhoznadzor, as well as other barriers that occur when moving agricultural products to the Russian Federation.

During the meeting, NCE RK "Atameken" and the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan took a decision on joint visits of competent staff of the parties and accompaniment of agricultural goods next to the Russian Federation and the introduction of the verification procedure, the possible obstacles to domestic carriers, passing Russian PAC.

In order to alert promptly Kazakhstani business on input or cancelation of the restrictions, security measures for transfer / export of livestock and crop production in the framework of the EAEU or to third countries, as well as about the conditions of export of Kazakhstani production in the Russian Federation, it was decided that the Ministry will provide such information to the Chamber on regular basis, which in turn, will ensure its availability on the official website of NCE RK "Atameken”

Business representatives , who were present at the meeting, also took an active part in the discussion of problems in the export of Kazakh agricultural products to Russia, asked their questions addressed to the Chamber and the Ministry, shared other problems experienced by Kazakh entrepreneurs in the development of the business.

At the end of the meeting, NCE RK "Atameken" expressed solidarity and complete readiness to cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the issue of improving the conditions of domestic agricultural exports.

For any questions you can contact the Department of agriculture and food industry - 8 (7172) 919-325, 8 (7172) 919-326; Department of Economic Integration - 8 (7172) 919-373.

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