
National Standardization Body will be established in Kazakhstan

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NCE RK "Atameken" considered the establishment of the National Standardization Body

Discussion of draft laws "On Standardization" and its amendments took place at the site of NCE RK with participation of the developers of the law (CTRM MID RK "KazInSt"), the business community and trade associations.

The developers told the businessmen about the innovations and advantages of the developed law on standardization. According to them, the draft law provides for the establishment of the National Authority for Standardization, which can be a great dialogue platform for the adoption of standards that reflect the interests of not only producers, but also consumers. According to the developers, it is expected to develop national standards and advanced only through technical standardization committees that will toughen requirements by technical committees, mainly their composition and creation, reporting, etc.

For this purpose, NCE generates the position to develop a separate law "On Standardization", as a standard - is one of the tools for the removal of technical barriers in the context of Kazakhstan's participation in the WTO and the EAEU.

During the discussion the regional business entities raised the use of standards organizations in the field of mandatory conformity of application of international standards on the territory of Kazakhstan, the implementation of the functions of the technical committees and others.

The developers also responded to questions from the regions.

The text of the draft law can be found here.

The comparative table to the draft law is available here.

Comments and suggestions on the draft law can be sent to the email address

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