
Show the income to the National Bank

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Regulator will tighten the control over foreign economic operations in the country

Export revenues of Kazakh companies may become the object of attention of the National Bank. This was announced today at a meeting of the Government by the chairman of the National Bank Daniyar Akishev.

"We must have a clear picture of how much of the foreign currency export earnings is returned to Kazakhstan and perhaps, how much, is deposited in foreign bank accounts. To do this, you need to carry out careful monitoring of the foreign trade operations and the purchase of currency by companies if it is not required for their activities ", - said D.Akishev.

The Chairman of the National Bank also gave an assessment of the current situation on the currency market of Kazakhstan and the reaction of business to the dynamics of the exchange rates. "The market is gradually getting used to exchange rate volatility in both upward and downward directions, understanding the factors that influence its dynamics", - said Akishev.

At the same time he expressed the opinion that "he made it possible to strengthen the role of the National Bank to ensure liquidity of banks and regulation of interest rates without the risk of creation of additional pressure on the exchange rate".

Daniyar Akishev said that "the tenge exchange rate adjustment in 2016 doesn’t affect directly the prices". According to him, "during the weakening of the exchange rate in 2015, inflation was 13.6% within one year".

"The Return of inflation within a corridor of 6-8% will require joint efforts and will depend on the coordinated action of the National Bank and the Government of Kazakhstan", - summed D. Akishev.

Zhanar Serdalina

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