
Kazakhstani businessmen traveled to Yekaterinburg "to demonstrate its potential”

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Following the visit, it planned to create a Unified Center, which will enable to arrange centralized access of Kazakhstani goods to the Russian market

This agreement was achieved in the course of trade and economic mission of the Kazakh delegation to the Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg, organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Kazakhstan in partnership with the Ministry of Investment and Development of Kazakhstan and JSC “Kaznex Invest”.

Kazakh delegation was headed by Vice Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Rakhim Oshakbayev, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Kazan Askhat Nuskabay, deputy chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of Kazakhstan Saltanat Akhanova, Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC “Kaznex Invest” Meyerzhan Maykenov.

The delegation also included representatives of Kazakhstani companies, specializing in the fields of: agriculture, manufacture of confectionery products, meat and canned food, as well as production of equipment for oil and the wood industry, which managed to meet with potential partners in order to establish bilateral cooperation.

The main objective of the trade and economic mission was to discuss issues regarding the creation of the Unified Centre, which enables centralized and efficient output of Kazakhstani goods to the market of the Ural Federal District, which has a huge logistics hub.

The meeting of the Vice Minister for Investment and Development of Kazakhstan Rakhim Oshakbaeva with vice governor - Minister of Investment and Development of the Sverdlovsk region of the Russian Federation Alexei Orlov was effective: the deputy head of the region supported the idea of ​​the Kazakh side to establish a Unified Centre for the output of the Kazakhstani products to the market of Ural Federal District. The meeting of R. Oshakbaev with the Minister of International and Foreign Economic Relations of the Sverdlovsk region Andrei Sobolev was equally effective, as well as with the president of the Ural Chamber of Commerce Andrei Besedin and the authorized representative of the trade mission of Kazakhstan to the Russian Federation Alexander Tsygankov. The sides discussed a wide range of issues related to the development and strengthening of trade and economic relations between the two countries.

As it was reported by the vice-governor of the Sverdlovsk region, two major companies - JSC "Sima-lend" and JSC "Keyterinburg" are ready to become operators of wholesale and distribution center for Kazakh products.

However, and Kazakh entrepreneurs managed to hold successful talks with colleagues from the Sverdlovsk region. For example, a contract was signed between JSC "KaskorMashzavod" and JSC "Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant". In addition, LLP "KazRosSnabKompani" and LLC "Keyterinburg" agreed to establish a joint venture in Kazakhstan for growing agricultural products and its deep processing. LLP "Sparta & Co" and the Urals Union of Timber plan to create a joint venture in Russia for the woodworking industry.

"Russia is a strategic partner of Kazakhstan in development of trade-economic relations. The recent integration processes open up new opportunities for business, all the conditions for the free movement of goods, works and services, there was opened a promising consumer market of more than 100 million consumers. Ural Federal District is a major logistics hub, which includes 6 regions of Russia, which, in turn, expands the geographical presence of Kazakh products in Russia. In this connection, there is a need to connect actively business, to establish a more dynamic cooperation with Russian partners, and we are ready to assist in the expansion and development of export potential of Kazakhstan ", - said the deputy chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of Kazakhstan Saltanat Akhanova.

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