
Business for all ages

- City of Astana
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People of different ages are eager to learn basics of entrepreneurship

Another group has completed the training course "Business Advisor" at the Metropolitan Chamber of entrepreneurs. This time, 22 people passed training within the frames of the business educational program. Among them were people of completely different age. In one gathered young students from local colleges and universities, as well as people with dozens of years of experience. One of the trainees Gulzada Berdiyarova said that the whole life she worked as a teacher, after retirement she began to think about starting her own business. I learned about the course “Business Advisor” through an advertisement. I thought that any new knowledge is good. As for a long time I was thinking about the idea of ​​opening a workshop for the production of pasta. I think this will be demand in the capital. I am happy with training, it was interesting, I learnt a lot of useful information, I know how and where to start a business, and what business support measures exist today, how is it possible to get financing for a project. Yes, students of different ages were in the group, but I'm used to working with young people – I am a teacher! It is interesting to be around them, you can learn something new in the process of communication", - she noted. According to her, she intends to learn intricacies of business during the next course - "Business Growth".

But 3-year student of a university Aibek Rakhmanberdy didn’t select the business direction yet. He has a lot of ideas, for example, he thinks about opening of a greenhouse for growing vegetables near Astana. "In the meantime, I decided to take a course “Business Advisor”. And I did not regret it. Thank you for training programs. For us, students, it is important that they are free".

In turn, business coach of the project Azamat Onaybaev noted that when working with people of different ages, it is important to find a middle ground. "If an older person undergoes training, it is necessary to pay more attention. People understand it. Therefore, I strive to ensure that students work as a group. There is one leader, the rest are followers. Thus, they learn to work as a team, and understand their capabilities. It is difficult to find a golden middle, because a PhD graduate and student of 2-3 courses can sit in one audience. Each understands in his own way, perhaps, Ph.D. graduate knows all the tools that you can use, but does not do it. And the young person, on the contrary, does not know, but in reality he uses them. Young people have ambitions, the desire to start anew, to fail. But we must understand that we are not an educational institution, we give main directions. We promote androgogics. We help people to fulfill their potential".

It is worth noting that in the project of the last year "Business - Adviser", the number of students aged 17 to 29 years was 542 people, from 30 to 49 years - 366, 50 to 57 years - 84 and 25 students older than 57 years. They have studied the curriculum for budding entrepreneurs.

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