
Yuliya Yakupbaeva: It is necessary to conduct an inventory of tourism facilities

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Tourist potential of Almaty and Almaty region was discussed at meeting of NCE RK "Atameken", dedicated to tourism issues

"Zhambyl region has already provided a complete inventory of tourism facilities along the route" Silk Road ", which they conducted together with the Akimat. They detected what is necessary for development of infrastructure, how much it will cost. Akimat promised to provide funding. It is planned to create a website on tourist potential of the region", - said the deputy chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Yuliya Yakupbaeva, speaking at a meeting on the development of tourism, which was held in the format of a videoconference with participation of the regions.

Tourist potential of Almaty was presented at the meeting. Yakupbaeva noted that the region also needs to do an inventory of tourism facilities. "Definitely we need to make an inventory of all objects not only in Almaty, but also Almaty region. The areas that you would like to show tourists. It is necessary to choose the most attractive places, to determine what is missing, and then to find sources of funding", - she said.

The head of Tourism Department under Akimat of Almaty Timur Duysengaliev in his presentation highlighted several reasons why to visit Almaty: unique location at the foot of the Tien Shan Mountains, the birthplace of apples, the largest city in Kazakhstan, the only metropolis, the center of event tourism, financial and cultural center.

"We are now considering a project to place eight information kiosks, which will perform two tasks - sale of souvenirs and free dissemination of information materials (maps, guides, etc.). They will be placed in areas of potential tourist flows. On the basis of our information centers, we will prepare leaflets, which will offer very simple tours - 2 nights, 3 days. They suggest accommodation for tourist at 2-3 star or 4-5 star hotels. Group size - about 6 people ", - he said.

The presentation of Akimat of Almaty describes it as the capital of the four types of tourism: cultural-historical (the starting point of the Silk Road), business, eco-adventure and sports tourism.

In his report Duysengaliev also touched upon the problems of professional guides and quality of informational materials. He noted that Akimat will support all the initiatives. "This means that you must not provide not disparate ideas, but should make clear proposals with a consolidated view of business and common standards", - said the representative of Akimat.

Yakupbaeva, in turn, proposed to add medical tourism to the presentation, noting that beautiful resorts and clinics operate in Almaty.

At the same time, the participants were in favor of the introduction of the section "children's tourism".

The deputy chairman of the Chamber also raised the issue of opening of bus routes to the national parks. "If this issue is resolved, then there are new strategic directions for business development: first of all, it is parking, second of all, it is catering, third of all, souvenirs, etc.", - she said.

The head of Tourism Department, in turn, thanked her for her valuable comments and promised to consider them and, together with the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty to finalize the presentation.

The head of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Yuri Tleumuratov, speaking at the meeting, noted the natural attractions of the city and the region. He also mentioned the "Sunkar" falcon center. According to him, in addition to the study and cultivation of these birds, they also stage a show with falconry in national costumes, which can be interesting for tourists.

"If there are golden eagles, you can add an ostrich farm, fishing farms, Kapchagay beach, zoo, dolphinarium", - said Yakupbaeva. It is proposed to expand the presentation and to classify it in different directions.

The modified "business card" of Almaty will be taken as the basis by all RCEs. After preparing all the "cards", they will be posted on the website of NCE RK "Atameken". "We will gather representatives of news web-portals in order to discuss the coverage of the Kazakhstani tourism potential for citizens of Kazakhstan and foreign representatives", - added Yakupbaeva.

Almaty Chamber of Entrepreneurs also shared the experience of creation a road map for tourism development in Almaty, the draft of which was discussed at the meeting. The Road Map provides a solution of problematic issues that hinder the growth of tourist indicators. For example, Tleumuratov raised the issue of reduction of VAT for domestic flights. However, Duysengaliev doubted that the Ministry of Finance and Economy Ministry will support this.

"Let’s introduced it on the eve of Expo. If the main flow will be domestic tourists, then by reducing VAT, we will be able to reduce tariffs. Let's try! "- Yakupbaeva supported the colleague. She also proposed to divide the objects of the road map on central and local levels. As a result of improvements, the Roadmap will be sent to all regions as an example.

Representatives of the company "Astana EXPO-2017" and the Ministry of Investment and Development of Kazakhstan were very pleased with the work of "Atameken" in the tourism sector, they expressed their willingness to cooperate in this common effort.

"The problem of Almaty and Almaty agglomeration is the fact that many festivals are held in Almaty - and this is the territory of the region. Therefore, there are questions about travel expenses, accommodation. The same Toykazan, Ile-Balkhash regatta - they do not belong to the city, and it is always very difficult to hold a festival, as the organizers are forced to address to Taldykorgan, while Almaty is 10 km away", - said the representative of the Department of tourism industry of MID RK Zhalgas Balgozhin.

Yuliya Yakupbaeva, in turn, stressed that Almaty hosts a lot of different activities, events, which is also an integral part of the tourist attractiveness of the city and the region.

Summing up the meeting, deputy chairman of NCE drew attention to this important component of the tourism industry as a service. "We need to gather at the site of akimat and RCE all representatives of restaurant and hotel businesses in your area and say that the Government and NCE has made tremendous efforts to promote tourism in the regions, and this is your basic bread, therefore, improve hygiene and maintenance. We must do our own internal rating of accommodation and catering. Businessmen will voice additional problems at the meetings, and we will help to solve them", - she concluded.

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