
Will grain receipt shift to an electronic format

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Parliament adopted a law on the regulation of the grain market

Amendments will be introduced to four current laws, governing the rules of grain receipt. The relevant law has been considered today by deputies at the plenary session of the Senate during the second reading. The document introduces amendments to the Code of Administrative Offences, the laws "On Grain", "On Accounting and Financial Statements", "On permissions and notifications".

If to be more precise, the purpose of the bill is improvement of the legal regulation of circulation of grain receipts that are documents for accounting of grain and securities, confirming the ownership of the grain, put by the owner to store at the grain-collecting enterprises, as well as the financial instrument for attraction of investments in agro complex of Kazakhstan.

At the plenary session it was noted that during the discussion of the draft law by the working group, there were excluded rules on interim management of cotton enterprises and grain-collecting stations in connection with the adoption of the new Civil Procedure Code. At the same time in order to increase trust of the participants of the grain market, there will be introduced a shift to electronic issuance of grain receipts with the use of an information system, which is integrated with the data base of the state bodies. It is important to ensure constant update of the registry database, which will automate accounting of grain receipts.

Another important issue is limitation of issue of grain receipts upon technical capacity of the enterprise. In addition, grain-enterprises themselves will have to publish annual financial statements and annual audit report on the Internet.

As a result, the Senate passed the draft law and sent the document for signature to the Head of State.

Zhanar Serdalina

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