
President of Kazakhstan: "We need new drivers for economic growth"

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The Head of State instructed to intensify work on reduction of the dependence of the national economy on raw materials

New measures of support of the national economy will be the focus of the expanded Government meeting. The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev made this statement today at the opening of the second session of the Parliament of the VI convocation.

He noted that the world economic and political situation "remains difficult". "The difficulties faced by many, even developed countries, not speaking about developing ones. Falling prices, volatility in global markets weakened international trade. The volume of investment flows between countries has reduced, turnover, exports, imports have fallen - all these factors have a negative effect on the situation, of course it affects Kazakhstan, because we are part of the global economy ", - said the President.

N. Nazarbayev reminded that in these circumstances, "we were forced to introduce austerity measures in all sectors; we have reduced investment in the economy". However, the Government will continue to implement anti-crisis action plan and the National Bank of Kazakhstan, "which will be supplemented by new measures in a timely manner".

"By the way, in the first week of this month, we will hold an expanded Government meeting, at which I will propose new measures to support employment and incomes of our population. That is, new means to give to let the economy breathe and grow, to make our banks work and start lending, to expand opportunities in the field", - announced Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Commenting on the upcoming action, the President instructed to continue "creating consistent drivers in the state program of economic growth "Nurly Zhol", because there are "all the possibilities for that".

Another task for the Government - "the continuation of the work on reduction of Kazakhstani dependence on fluctuations of world prices for raw materials." "Fell the prices for oil and gas, and our revenues decreased by 40%", - stated N. Nazarbayev.

The President of Kazakhstan emphasized that "our priority is provision of state support to enterprises, producing non raw materials, working for export".

To this end, Kazakhstan intends to study the experience of Poland, to which Nazarbayev has recently paid an official visit. "They have done great work in this respect. The whole state aims to export any product. They succeeded in local governance, it is very interesting in the development of SMEs, which account for 67% of their economy and in the processing of agricultural production", - said the President of Kazakhstan.

In this regard, by the order of the Head of State, a group of experts will travel to Poland to explore the Polish economic achievements.

Zhanar Serdalina

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