
Gratitude from China

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Director General of the corporation "Ayztsyuy" Jia Hai thanked NCE RK "Atameken" for cooperation

"We are very pleased that the return container train, consisting of 88 wagons with 2 thousand tons of Kazakh oil has successfully arrived in Xi'an International Trade and Logistics Park", - stated the letter addressed to the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

Jia Hai also noted fruitful cooperation in the construction of the oilseed plant of the corporation "Ayztsyuy" in North Kazakhstan region. "The Chamber has rendered us a tremendous help in this matter. Allow me, on behalf of "Ayztsyuy", to express special thanks for your support. We hope that NCE, led by you, will always pay great attention to our projects", - said the letter.

On 21st of March 21 two thousand tons of sunflower and rapeseed oil were sent for the first time to Shaanxi province of China from the station "Dostyk" of Almaty region. Export production was sponsored by NCE RK "Atameken". Now, the domestic production will be supplied to China's Shaanxi province, the population of which exceeds 35 million people. According to the director of the Kazakhstani oil production company “Total Impex” Dauren Turapbekov, a pilot project will be able to attract new investments into the economy of Kazakhstan in the future.

The sum of the current contract for the supply of oil is more than 573 million tenge. There are plans to send another 20-40 oil containers. And in the future it is expected to increase the export range. The Chinese market is already interested in the supply of flour products, dairy products and meat from Kazakhstan.

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