
The model of the sales tax will be chosen in September

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The Ministry of National Economy promises to hold the maximum number of consultations with the business community on the issue of transition to the sales tax

The debate about by what rules the sales tax will be charged in Kazakhstan do not subside, there are arguments "for" and "against." This was reported today by the Minister of National Economy, commenting on the situation around the discussion of a possible model of transition to sales tax, by the request of the journalist of "I will head a specially created working group, which will bring together representatives of all social organizations and NCE RK "Atameken", Association "Kazenergy", private businesses and the banking sector that are involved in this group. I can say that the opinion is divided, some think that it is better to keep the value added tax as an economically motivated tax or the sales tax in terms of the structure of the economy, in which we are at this stage of development", - said Dosayev.

The Minister noted that "there are pros and cons, and the analysis of various models is on now".

"There is no final decision. But the factual data shows by the condition on the end of 2015, the revenues of all types of VAT: import of goods and services produced on the territory of Kazakhstan, and the reimbursement of VAT, a negative balance is not in favor of the budget ", - stated Erbolat Dosayev.

The Minister of National Economy said that the debate about what tax is more efficient "continues for 25 years".

"The Head of State gave a clear mandate to make necessary and appropriate calculations, to communicate in the first place with business that will pay it, and to determine what is needed. Today, we developed the Single Tax and Customs Code, which must be submitted to the Parliament by September 1, 2016. All the necessary decisions will be taken by that time", - summed Erbolat Dosayev.

Zhanar Serdalina

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