
A reminder for entrepreneurs

8544 просмотров

It is necessary to submit  documents until 7 p.m.  

Applications for participation in the competition on selection of the Issuer of the second level to exercise personalization of control (identification) signs as part of a pilot project on introduction of labeling of fur products, is extended to 7 p.m. on 31st of March this year

Participants should prepare the following documents:

1. Applications from the competitors;

2. The certificate of state registration (re-registration) of a legal entity;

3. Notarized copy of the charter;

4. a certificate from the bank (s) about the presence of accounts;

5. reviews, recommendations, letters of appreciation from counterparties of the participants (if any);

6. Copies of the documents confirming that the company has technical / IT specialists (copies of orders on employment / labor contracts / employment records) with experience in the IT field;

7. copies of documents confirming the presence of equipment for personalization of control (identification) marks (RFID-tags), operating in compliance with ISO 18000-63 standard (860 - 960 MHz for UHF RFID Protocols);

8. copy of the passports for available equipment to work with RFID-technologies, confirming the ability to read and to write information from RFID-tags, containing information on software solutions and specifications.

9. Copies of the documents confirming that the participant, has equipment to read information from RFID-tags, linear barcodes (28 Code-symbols);

10. Documents confirming compliance of the participant with the requirements for the implementation of the pilot project for the introduction of labeling of fur products (at participant's discretion).

Applications for participation in the competition are accepted at the address: Astana, 8, Kunaev street, Block B, AB "Emerald quarter", 25 floor, room 2508.

The date of the contest will be announced later.

For any questions about the competition, please contact us by phone: 8 (7172) 91-93-73 (contact person - Indira Sadvakasova).

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