
Businesswomen of Kazakhstan explore Emirati market

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The Delegation of Business Women of Kazakhstan paid a visit to the United Arab Emirates

It is composed of representatives of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken", the largest tourism and hospitality facilities, heads of small and medium-sized businesses, a journalist.

Within two days the Kazakh businesswoman met with the leadership of the Chamber of Commerce of Dubai, the Organizing Committee of "EXPO-2020", as well as with the Council of the UAE business women. In an informal atmosphere was held a meeting with compatriots who live and run business in the UAE.

According to the Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Dubai and Northern Emirates Arman Isagaliev, promotion of small and medium-sized businesses and the expansion of Kazakhstan's business abroad is a priority activity of the Embassy and the Consulate General.

"In the context of the global economic crisis since the beginning of this year, we have concentrated mainly on the so-called "economic diplomacy" in order to help Kazakhstani businessmen to enter the Emirati market and find reliable long-term partners", - said the diplomat. According to him, in this context, the visit of the delegation of women entrepreneurs to the Emirates is very important. "The upcoming talks of the delegation with representatives of the Council of the business women of UAE, the Chamber of Commerce in Dubai and the "EXPO-2020" Committee in Dubai will contribute to the establishment of mutually beneficial relations between our countries", - he said.

Askar Isagaliev stressed that Kazakhstani women play an important role in the development of the state. the National Commission on Family Affairs and Gender Policy under the President of RK successfully operates in the country. Many women work in the area of ​​business under the auspices of the Association of Business Women of Kazakhstan.

The role of women in the UAE is also steadily increasing, as evidenced by the fact that out of 29 members of the federal Cabinet, 9 are women. The most important questions of happiness, tolerance and education of youth are transferred in the hands of women.

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