
Get millions if you engage in agribusiness or food industry

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NCE RK "Atameken" is looking for projects in the field of agriculture and food industry

As it was reported by the adviser to the chairman of the Board of NCE RK Alexander Samoylov, the projects will be financed through the Almex-Baiterek Fund and other available sources.

According to him, the created analytical group on search and preparation of projects does the following work:

• conducts a deep analysis of the project;

• develops a financial model of the project;

• prepares an investment report on the project;

• actively cooperates with private equity funds and strategic investors;

• collaborates with development institutions and commercial banks.

"The priority sectors are projects in the agribusiness and food industry / processing industry. At the same time I want to emphasize that the analysis of the project and preparation of basic documents does not require any payment from an initiating entrepreneur", - explained the adviser to the head of the board NCE RK.

In the presence of entrepreneurs with long-term projects with a deep level of study (presence of payback calculations, understanding of the sales market and capacity of the markets), which meet the industry criteria described above, the directors of regional chambers of entrepreneurs must ensure the establishment of direct bilateral contacts with the project team and further joint work on the structuring and financing of projects.

Industry criteria

AIC, food and processing industry

The minimum size/ cost of the project

from 100 million tenge


Framework conditions for financing

investments, financing of the working capital


Currency of financing



Own participation in the project

not less than 20%


Contact details:

LLP “Agency for Research of efficiency of investments"

Work phone: 8 (7172) 788900

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