
Head of NCE urged the newly elected deputies to make the most to defend the interests of business

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Head of NCE urged the newly elected deputies to make the most to defend the interests of business

Timur Kulibayev congratulated the representatives of the regional council, the member of the Presidium of NCE RK Atameken and former employees of NCE with election to the Mazhilis of the VI convocation.

The Board of NCE RK "Atameken" gathered today for the solemn occasion: to honor the new deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament who have or had a direct relation to the main dialogue platform of business and Government.

A new Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK Kairbek Suleimenov was introduced to the members of the Board, who will be responsible for anti-corruption and the shadow economy.

"I believe that a person from the relevant agency with a track record as Kairbek Shoshanovich, will make a lot of useful things. Who else but people in uniform, with a great knowledge and experience, can do this kind of work?"- Said the head of "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev.

After congratulations, the Chairman of the Presidium awarded the medals "Atameken" II of degree "For loyalty to the cause" Meiram Pshembaev, Amanzhan Jamalov and Kenes Absatirov. Representatives of the regional councils, and now the Mazhilismen - Pavel Kazantsev, Murat Temirzhanov, Abzal Yeraliyev and Ivan Klimenko received thank-you letters from the hands of the head of "Atameken".

Timur Kulibayev, referring to members of Parliament, asked them during consideration and adoption of the bill to focus on business needs and to protect the interests of Kazakhstani business.

"Parliament – is a constitutional body, and you, its members, have more powers than us, the "Atameken". Please - take every opportunity to support local businesses as much as possible and to ensure its further development. For its part, the National Chamber will provide you on regular basis with all the full operational and analytical information about business concerns, their suggestions, visions. During consideration and adoption of the bill, take into account the views of those for whom they are created, so that laws are effective and consistent with the realities of life", - said Timur Kulibayev.

Representatives of the constitutional authority of the country, the people who themselves came out of the business environment, assured those present of their serious intention to continue to defend the interests of the business, but in a new way and at a different level.


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