
Ural businessmen named the most corrupt state agencies

- West Kazakhstan Region
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At the meeting with the entrepreneurs of WKR, Business Ombudsman of Kazakhstan announced the results of the rating "business climate"

According to the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov, the research was conducted by the Institute of Economic Research of the Ministry of National Economy by the order of the National Chamber of entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken".

"The survey was conducted throughout Kazakhstan, and this is the real picture, which was assessed by entrepreneurs themselves", - said the business ombudsman.

According to the director of the department of public monitoring and work with administrative barriers of NCE RK "Atameken" Erbol Ustemirova, one of the main activities of the National Chamber is identification and elimination of administrative barriers and systemic problems that impede the realization of the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs. "At the same time an effective tool for determination of the favorable business environment is the rating "business climate", which allows you to evaluate the performance of local government bodies in their interaction with the business", - added Ustemirov.

As it was announced by the representative of NCE, in 2015 the West Kazakhstan region took 13th place out of 16, compared to 2014, ranking rose to one position.

"13th place shows that the measures taken by local executive bodies in order to create a favorable business environment are insufficient. The evaluation was based on five criteria: administrative regulation, government support, real estate, human resources, financial resources, - said Erbol Ustemirov. - The rating "business climate" assessed the level of corruption in the region through the eyes of the entrepreneurs themselves. West Kazakhstan region is located in seventh place in the ranking".

The present representatives of state bodies learnt what entrepreneurs think about the corruption of public servants in the region. And one in three respondents stated that the level of corruption grows. The entrepreneurs called the tax authorities as the most corrupted body, which are followed by customs, DES, SES, local executive bodies.

"The relationship of the business climate with the implementation of the rights and interests of entrepreneurs, as well as an increase in business activity is obvious. Therefore, a lot should be done both by local public authorities, and the Regional Chamber ", - concluded the Commissioner for Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov.

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