
Gani Kasymov: "The decision of the Ministry of National Economy is ruinous for business"

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The issue of increase of rental fees for lease of canteens at state institutions was discussed at the session of the Council for the Protection of the rights of entrepreneurs in Almaty

This was the main issue of discussion at the joint meeting of the Council on the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs under NCE RK "Atameken" and the Council on the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs under RCE of Almaty. And there are good reasons: the owners of canteens in the budgetary organizations still experience problems due to an increase of rent.

"Until now, the question has not reached its logical conclusion. Yes, the General Prosecutor Office supported the position of the Chamber that the order was illegal.  It sent a letter in the address of the developer of the law - the Ministry of National Economy regarding the need to eliminate violations of the law. Unfortunately, the Ministry of National Economy is engaged in whitewashing, the detected violations were not eliminated, the decree is still in force, the proposal of the General Prosecutor's Office is virtually ignored. This is pure blasphemy!", - Said the chairman of the Council on the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs under NCE RK "Atameken"Gani Kasymov.

In 2015 more than 30 tenants appealed to the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty. For tenants of catering facilities in public institutions such as hospitals, institutions of Internal Affairs, military units and other, the rental fee increased 19-28 times. The reason for the increase of the rental cost, first of all, is a change of the base rate for the calculation of the estimated cost, and second of all, the coefficient of the territorial location and, third of all, the coefficient of the type of activity. The Finance Department sends regularly notifications to entrepreneurs-tenants on the requirement to renew the lease at the new rates.

"We are talking about small business, working in the social sphere. Entrepreneurs get million tenge bills, without considering the fact that they feed the public servants. So far this problem arose only in Almaty and Astana, but it can spread to all regions. Yes, it is clear that due to the devaluation and loss of profitability, there was a question of the replenishment of the budget. But not in this manner! This order results in closure of businesses, it is devastation. Why should we annoy the society in such a moment? Instead of providing subsidies or support. Was this order discussed with society, the business community, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs? "- wondered Gani Kasymov.

"The solution of this problem is of strategic importance - agreed Bolat Palymbetov. - We will consider ways to solve it with the relevant departments. Last year we have forced reduction of the rental cost for canteens in educational institutions. For tenants of canteens, ​​dining halls and payment of rent during the summer vacation were excluded from the rental rate. But this is not enough. Your suggestions and comments will be taken into account".

By the results of the meeting of the Council at the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken", it was recommended to re-send the appeal to the Prosecutor General's Office to compile the act of prosecutorial response to the order of the Minister of National Economy # 212 dated by March 17, 2015.

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