
East – is a pearl of Kazakhstan

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Tourist potential of EKR was discussed at NCE RK "Atameken"

The business card of the East Kazakhstan region was presented at the meeting of the Committee of tourism industry of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken", dedicated to the issues of tourist potential of the regions of Kazakhstan and development of road maps.

Favorable economic and geographical position of EKR were noted among the strengths of the region; variety of landscapes, unique monuments of nature, culture and history; and the availability of transport and logistics infrastructure (available railroad, river and air transport).

There are problems that hinder the development of tourism in the area. The roads, leading to the recreational areas (Alakol, Rakhmanov, Ayuda, Ulken Naryn), are in poor condition and require renovation. In addition, there are no power lines, leading to the 6 resorts: Berezovka, Kedrovka, Radovo, Poperechnoe, Sery Lug and Klimovka. The reason is lack of subsidies for construction and reconstruction of recreation areas, in connection with which it is necessary to work out an instrument of state support.

East Kazakhstan region is one of the industrialized regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The base industry is non-ferrous metals. As well as mechanical engineering and metalworking, energy, timber and woodworking, light and food industry. The region has significant reserves of mineral resources. The main wealth is polymetallic ores, which contain zinc, lead, copper, rare and precious metals.

"East Kazakhstan - it is a real jewel, a popular place for recreation and tourism in Kazakhstan. Rivers and lakes with fishing, hunting on animals and game, alloys on rafts, pantotheraphy, recreation centers and sanatoriums - everyone will find its own recreational activity", - said Deputy Director on Economic Affairs of NCE Oksana Zhilikova.

She added that the work on preparation of the roadmap and conduction of the inventory will be completed in 2 weeks.

It was proposed during the meeting that the each region includes roads in the business card. This remark was included in the protocol.

At the last meeting on tourism deputy chairman of the Chamber Yuliya Yakupbaeva invited all regions to conduct an inventory of tourist objects in order to identify the most attractive.

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