
Hello, America!

- Aktobe Region
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Atyrau businessmen want to create a joint venture with the US

This was stated at a meeting with the US Ambassador to Kazakhstan George Krol, which was organized by the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Atyrau region. According to the diplomatic representative of the United States, this is his first visit to Atyrau region. "This meeting has rather introductory nature. I would like to learn about the socio-economic level of the region, in particular, about the development of small and medium-sized businesses. I know that this is one of the main priorities in the policy of your country, I know what a great role the Chamber of entrepreneurs plays in it. I would like to hear your suggestions on what kind of work we can undertake to promote the development of business between our countries ", - said Krol.

The Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Atyrau region Asylbek Zhakiyev said that within five years they work with "Tengizchevroil", which, as it is known, is the largest joint venture between Kazakhstan and America.

"In the course of cooperation, we can see that our local businesses, and US companies have a desire to create joint ventures. As you know, America has its own system of prequalification. And in order to quickly solve these issues, we need to cooperate with the American Chamber of Commerce. However, for unknown reasons, we can’t establish contact with them at the regional level, there is no feedback. Although we have good cooperation with many European chambers "- said Asylbek Dzakiyev.

Member of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Atyrau region, director of LLP “LOGIC SERVICES CENTRASIA” Serbolat Shoraev believes that it is necessary to focus on the development of small and medium-sized businesses, as at the level of big business good cooperation has already been established. In particular, the entrepreneur suggests to create Kazakhstani-American industrial zone on the basis of "TCO". Atyrau could become profitable logistics center for access to other neighboring countries for the American side.

Other participants of the meeting expressed their views on strengthening of cooperation in the field of education, training, transfer of modern technologies. George Krol has promised to take put down all voiced proposals and to facilitate their implementation.

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