
Does EAEU need single currency?

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EAEU must have consensus in the matter of the introduction of the single currency

The Russian President Vladimir Putin reported about this on Monday during a direct line, said, responding to a question on the introduction of a single currency in the EAEU. According to him, "perhaps, once it will become possible, but at a stage when the levels of development of economies and the structure of economies, within the Eurasian Economic Union will be equal". Referring to the crisis in Greece, the Russian president expressed his opinion that "in no case EAEU should commit the errors made by the European Union by introducing a single currency, despite the fact that the levels of countries' economies greatly differ from each other".

"Because they get handouts from the common pot, but these handouts are not conducive to the development of the economy and its structure. We must take into account these concerns and move step by step. And, of course, it is a voluntary thing, we must have a complete consensus of Russia and our partners in the EAEU", - concluded Putin.


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