
Small companies will get help with entering the stock market

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Today, at the site of NCE the Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Yuliya Yakupbaeva and the Chairman of the Board of JSC "Kazakhstan Stock Exchange" Alina Aldambergen signed a memorandum on mutual cooperation.

As it was noted by Yuliya Yakupbaeva, the stock exchange in all economies of the world is a place where entrepreneurs can raise funds, which is an alternative to a bank loan, and, above all, the share capital. "Since the composition of the investor base has changed significantly, the image of the company to which the market can have an interest has changed. If earlier, when the market was dominated by pension funds, most of the market was interested in large companies, today, watching the active development of the retail business, we can detect a serious interest in small, medium-sized companies, which have built their businesses on the market and have some recognizable brands", - said the deputy chairman of NCE.

As it was reported by Yuliya Yakupbaeva, according to the Central Depository, today there are more than 100,000 investor accounts. The pilot project, which in the past year has shown good success – it is a company "BAST", which was introduced to the market the investor company "Freedom Finance". According to her, today the shares of this company are growing steadily.

Any entry to the stock market is preceded by the work on the preparation of financial statements, establishment of corporate management, sales, work with the market to improve the financial and investor literacy, explaining the mechanisms of the stock market, Yuliya Yakupbaeva stated the importance of cooperation with the stock exchange.

"We believe that the memorandum, which NCE RK "Atameken" signed with the Kazakhstani Stock Exchange, will facilitate active interaction with the created international financial center. We also want to see the time-tested institution of the Kazakhstani Stock Exchange to become our reliable partner in development of the stock market mechanisms and consolidation of participants of the professional stock market", - said the deputy chairman of NCE.

In turn, the head of the Kazakhstani Stock Exchange Alina Aldambergen stated that "this is a landmark agreement for the market, which is aimed at the implementation of joint tasks with NCE in promotion of the development of domestic companies and their output on the local stock market".

"In the context of a slowdown in economic growth in Kazakhstan, it is very important to develop the stock market as an alternative source of economic growth. It is known that the majority of SMEs, including the members of NCE, experience some difficulties with financing. And our goal is to support these companies in attracting funds", - said the head of KASE.

According to Alina Aldambergen, Kazakhstani Stock Exchange intends to take a series of measures aimed, first of all, at creation of favorable conditions for domestic organizations to enter the local stock market. Second of all, to increase the transparency and stability of the domestic organizations. And, third of all, to increase the number of organizations, which apply international corporate governance practices.

In addition, she said, KASE plans to provide consultations, conduct lectures and workshops on the stock market for entrepreneurs and, together with NCE to organize events aimed at raising the awareness of SMEs on the stock market.

In other words, NCE RK and KASE will jointly represent the interests of existing and potential subjects of the stock market.

"There are 2347 joint stock companies, which are registered in Kazakhstan, and out of these only 85 are included in the list on the KASE, therefore, in our view, Kazakhstan has great potential for expansion of emission and investor base, primarily through SME companies. Simply put, it will be easier to get funding for companies if they become clients of our exchanges. And in the framework of liberalization, which was recently announced by the National Bank of Kazakhstan, we, on the other hand, create favorable conditions for potential issuers. We are faced with quite an ambitious task - to ensure the output of at least 5 domestic companies to the stock market of Kazakhstan annually", - said A. Aldambergen.

According to her, the KASE already has successful experience of putting small companies to the stock market, in particular, last year was conducted an IPO of the mining company BAST. "This company not only successfully raised funds on the Kazakhstani stock market, but also attracted the attention of large investors, which are beneficial direct investments in interesting projects. Therefore, we recommend to all domestic companies to become the issuer or the investor in the securities of the market ", - concluded the head of Kase.

Yuliya Yakupbaeva added that as a result of the memorandum the sides will sign a joint action plan, which will reflect the main areas of joint work - the development of new financial instruments, alternative investor base, corporate governance in companies and increase the level of financial and investor literacy.

"We plan to bring to the stock exchange at least 5 issuers annually. If privatization goes in the stock market, the number of issuers, we will be much more", - concluded Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

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