
Bolat Palymbetov: "A lot of business issues can be resolved on the regional level without discussion at the national level”

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Presence of representatives of the business environment in the regional maslikhats allows to defend their interests

Acute, systemic problems of business subjects were discussed during the first joint meeting of the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs NCE RK "Atameken" and the regional chamber with the participation of the Ombudsman for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov.

Complaints of businessmen on the administrative pressure on business, by the local executive bodies, their illegal actions, are very frequent. In particular, one example - the failure to meet the requirement of the budget legislation in terms of attraction of the representatives of the Chamber to the work of specialized committees. "An indirect result of this violation can be called outstanding debt of construction department of Kokshetau to LLP " TOP Ltd" for construction contracts worth more than 130 million tenge", - said a member of the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of NCE Serik Toregeldin. A public authority has repeatedly sent requests for allocation of funds, but they are still under consideration by the budget committee and the company didn’t get the money. "Violation of the requirements of budgetary legislation – is not only a direct violation of the law, but also the result of infringement of the rights of entrepreneurs", - said Serik Toregeldin.

Another example. The problem of LLP "MZHK stroy" was frequently considered at the Council for the Protection of NCE RK and the Council of the regional chamber. In short, the ownership right of the company was violated due to improper performance of duties by local officials, who responsible for the provision of land in the city of Kokshetau.

Another problem (about which we often write) – obstacles set by the government agency to the enterprise, which is engaged in breeding of fur-bearing animal. LLP "Kazyna Invest Company" appealed to the Chamber with a complaint on the actions of the local administration in Zerenda district, which for several years prevented the commissioning of the finished complex for breeding minks. First, the district department of architecture changed the composition of the working committee for the coordination of the project, and then demanded changes to the current project, which subsequently led to a second round of approvals.

The question moved from the dead point only after four years. Permission to commission the facility was finally obtained as a result of changes in legislation, Akimat was excluded from the list of approval!

In general, according to the chairman of the Regional Council of Entrepreneurs Kazbek Yeskendirov, last year the Chamber within the line of business protection received 640 appeals, of which every second was resolved positively. As a result, the total amount of saved funds of entrepreneurs amounted to over 163 million tenge. Complaints were mainly on administrative barriers, particularly in the sphere of land relations, and architecture (rent, changing of the purpose, provision of land plots in private ownership), taxation, agriculture (issue of subsidies, etc.).

"There are a lot of old issues, which can’t be solved for more than five years - non-operational resolution of land issues, high electricity tariffs. The lack of interaction with the Office of entrepreneurship and industry There is some disunity in the work with state bodies . I believe that our civil servants must take the responsibility to address the issues", - said the chairman of the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of RCE Vladimir Fedorenko.

According to Serik Toregeldin, all issues on the agenda are controlled by NCE. "After thorough study, we give an additional response", - he stressed.

. "The Regional Chamber should develop an algorithm of interaction with local authorities on all issues of concern, in particular, in the sphere of land relations, it is necessary to consider conduction of onsite councils", - announced the director of the legal protection department of NCE RK Oleg Savelenko.

"The main purpose of my trip is to examine the situation on the ground, to see and to understand the situation. Circling the regions, I see that the business is facing cyclical challenges. But the entrepreneurs themselves should take a proactive stance. I learned that the regional maslikhat has 69% deputies - representatives of the business environment. It's an opportunity to defend their interests! Akmola region has a great potential to become the locomotive of the development of business. Business has a desire to grow, to develop, and local executive authorities should fully support these initiatives. Many issues can be resolved on the regional level without discussion at the national level", - summed up Bolat Palymbetov.

Summing up the meeting, the Ombudsman for the Protection of the rights of entrepreneurs asked the Deputy Akim Kadirkhan Otarov take under control all the voiced issues.

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