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- City of Almaty
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The republican meeting on the development of the tourism industry was held in Almaty

Representatives of central and local executive bodies, tourism companies and public organizations, supervising and working in the field of tourism, discussed the prospects of development of the industry in the coming years.

Undoubtedly, a new impulse in this direction will provide an international specialized exhibition EXPO-2017 "Energy of the Future". This significant world-class event will be held for the first time on the territory of Central Asia and the CIS in Astana in the period from 10th of June  to 10th of September  2017. For the capital and the whole of Kazakhstan it is the first and foremost opportunity to showcase the state, the culture, history, traditions and modern achievements. And holding of such an event, of course, requires a large-scale training.

"During 93 days, we plan to conduct more than 3 thousand thematic, cultural and recreational activities that will enrich any tourist product. Astana will turn into the biggest stage area of ​​the world, and EXPO will be the new direction of tourism and entertainment", - said the adviser to the chairman Board of JSC" NC "Astana EXPO-2017" Rosa Asanbaeva.

It is expected that more than 5 million people will attend the event. Out of them 85% are Kazakhstani residents, 15% foreign visitors. "At the present time JSC "NC"Astana EXPO-2017" in cooperation with the Ministry for Investment and Development of Kazakhstan and Akimat of Astana forms a register of tourist routes Recommended by EXPO with a visit of the exhibition and the best places in the capital and suburbs. It includes a set of measures to ensure the availability of basic tourist routes, including an inventory of their tourist facilities. Road shows, workshops and info-tours will be carried out to promote the tourism products. Please fill in the questionnaires, provide information about your activities and the services offered", - Rosa Asanbaeva addressed to the representatives of travel agencies.

The director of the regional Chamber of entrepreneurs Yuri Tleumuratov spoke about the tourism potential of the south capital and developed the road map of tourism development in Almaty.

"Understanding the importance of tourism development in Almaty, we have proposed to develop a road map - a document which clearly prescribes a mechanism and gradually further action. Almaty Chamber of Entrepreneurs drafted a map within six weeks, it was submitted for approval to Akimat of Almaty. Our experts systematized the main problems. Among them, low competition in the field of tourism services, seasonality, urbanization of the city, the lack of ethnic objects, lack of guides and conductors at high altitudes. It was found out that there are 35 professional tour guides with knowledge of the language and sports skills throughout Kazakhstan, others are amateurs and enthusiasts. In this regard, the Chamber of entrepreneurs is ready to provide space, if needed, and lecturers, for the organization of courses and schools for the travel business”, - said Yuri Tleumuratov.

In addition, according to the Roadmap of development of ourism in Almaty, it planned to develop a tourist navigation system, the launch of the shuttle from the airport to the city center, building on ethnic village in Boralday mounds, caravan rent. Among the objectives of the national scale - expanding of the list of visa-free countries, the decline the prices for domestic flights, the implementation of standards on the organization of beach areas on reservoirs and arrangement of public toilets. According to the experts, all these measures will show tangible results in two or three years.

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