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NCE RK "Atameken" took under control one of the most pressing issues of today - interaction of natural monopolies with regional business subjects

In particular, the complaint of entrepreneurs against the actions of LLP "Kokshetau Energo" can be included in the registry of problems. This was announced during a joint meeting of the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs NCE RK "Atameken" and the regional chamber with participation of the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov.

Director of JSC "Sanatorium Shchuchin" Askar Zhunusov appealed to members of the Board with a request to assist in solving the problem associated with the actions of the power supply organization "Shuchinsk City Electric Networks" the branch of LLP "Kokshetau Energo". According to Zhunusov, the power company sent a notification to the sanatorium on re-signing of the contract for energy supply. This health resort already has the concluded contract, and does not have any debts.

"Our resort has nearly a century of history, we are disciplined consumers, payers, but "Kokshetau Energo" is the only organization today with which we don’t have good relationship. Why the utility company decided to re-connect us, it is not clear. Monopolist regularly comes up with new barriers, in spite of the fact that the technical specifications issued by the LLP "Kokshetau Energo", dated by 30.9.2015, contain a link that they are valid for three years. The company threatened to stop the supply of electric power", - the businessman could not contain his emotions.

The director of "Kazger-Kus" Boris Ozdoev asked to find justice in the actions of the monopolist. According to him, the tariffs, exhibited today by the energy company, are affordable for business. It is known that poultry farms are included in the list of objects of the continuous power supply, for which was determined the value of the emergency reservation. However, LLP "Kokshetau Energo" artificially complicates the technical specifications, which the company is unable to meet in full.

"I subscribe to every word of my colleagues. We pay 10 million tenge for electricity each month. Tariffs of the company are among the highest in the country, in such circumstances, it is impossible to develop the business", - outraged Boris Ozdoev.

According to the deputy head of the regional Department for Regulation of Natural Monopolies Aset Kurashev, they deal with this issue. "While in respect of LLP" Kokshetau Energo "We have lost the court hearing in the court of first instance", - he says. However, this statement did not satisfy members of the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of NCE RK Serik Toregeldin. "Your answer is not convincing. It is dangerous that you stopped half way in this fight. Electric power is a backbone industry, issues of energy infrastructure, the availability and cost of services are constantly in the public spotlight and the severe conditions created by the subjects of monopolies only aggravate the situation", - said Serik Toregeldin.

According to him, currently NCE develops a draft, according to which the relationship will be governed by the three parties: the subjects of monopoly, state agencies, business representatives. And in all probability, the controlling role will be assigned to business.

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