
Business will be aware

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The mobile application for business people was presented at NCE RK "Atameken"

At a meeting of the Committee of tourism industry of NCE RK "Atameken" with the participation of the Deputy Chairman of the Chamber Yuliya Yakupbaeva, the head of the Association of Family Business Yana Isakova has introduced a mobile application for business events and development of business tourism in Kazakhstan “Business Event Network”, which includes information about exhibitions, conferences, forums and other events with a business orientation.

"With regard to the target audience, now we are focused on Kazakhstan, because in the process, including the business activities, we are faced with a catastrophic lack of information about what, where, when occurs. As a rule, some entrepreneurs learn about events post factum. So now we are focused on Kazakhstan, but we have already foreign partners", - she said.

Isakov said that business tourism already has a certain infrastructure and the audience. "It does not require any serious investment, it requires the establishment of service and good information support. A big plus is that this audience is solvent and clearly knows its goals", - added the head of the association.

The expert stressed that “Business Event Network” is not an innovation, there is a similar thing, and it is popular in the world. "What is different about our app? You can view information about the event, to sort out information that you're interested in. For example, if I'm a doctor, I'm not particularly interested in agriculture. I choose what I'm interested in. I can sort the region - Kazakhstan can choose a particular city, or just the country", - she said.

"In addition, our offer - is not just the information structure, it is a kind of business network. GPS activates automatically when a person registered in this application arrives to the event, he sees the contacts of people who are also registered for the event, with whom he can talk there. He can call directly from the application and set up a meeting ", - said the head of the association.

Another innovation in the application - is a directory of companies. "The bottom line is that when I arrive at a business event in another city or country, and I need some momentary resolution of the issue – I ran out of business cards, office equipment doesn’t work, whom should I contact? I begin to look for information on the Internet. So you can resolve this issue through the directory. The companies that we have included in the directory, oblige according to the contract, to render services within 2 hours", - Isakov said.

The application also includes resolution of accommodation and catering issues. In addition, there is a section of entertainment in their spare time.

"We would like to see this mobile application as a permanent partner of the EXPO, as well as at other business events in Kazakhstan", - concluded Isakov.

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