
The service of NCE can be ordered through mobile application

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The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" launches the project "Single window" to provide electronic services to businesses - Atameken Services

This service will be available for business from 1st of November 2016. Now entrepreneurs can remotely order services of NCE RK "Atameken" using a mobile phone, a tablet or a computer.

It is known that almost all businesses are constantly faced with the problems of increasing sales, reducing costs, attracting professionals and receive support measures. However, many of them are not aware of existing support measures in some instances and for some questions you can contact and do not know where to get advice and services to help grow your business, as support institutions are scattered.

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, as the main service provider for business development in the Republic of Kazakhstan, based on the idea of ​​unification of all existing measures of support and business development services in the "single window", launches first part of the project Atameken Services.

Currently, the Register of Atameken Services provides 76 free services within 8 directions of non-financial support, as well as the services of search of information about the legal entity in details, in particular:

• services related to public procurement, procurement of national companies and subsoil users;

• accounting and tax accounting as well as preparation of statistical reports;

• advice and full support of the entire process of implementation of management systems;

• consultations in the field of information technology;

• management services;

• marketing services;

•customs procedures;

•legal services;

Work on consolidation of existing electronic services of NCE in a single window by AGILE methodology, which will allow by every new monthly release to increase the number of available services and to improve the ergonomics of applications based on business needs.

In this regard, we ask entrepreneurs to actively participate in the launch of beta application and make proposals to expand services.

Get advice on the installation of a mobile application and registration, by calling to a Call-centre - 87172270460, support @



iOS: release by early December

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