
Electronic grain receipt is introduced in Kazakhstan

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The Senate of the Kazakh Parliament recently adopted a legislative amendment on the regulation of the grain market

This issue was discussed at the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs RK "Atameken” with participation of representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, trade associations and unions, regional chambers of entrepreneurs and managers of agricultural enterprises.

 First of all, at the meeting was presented the system of grain receipts. "The law provides for an improvement of the system of electronic grain receipts, as well as transition to an electronic form of grain receipts. This measure will ensure subsequently the transparency of the movement of grain, increase confidence in the grain receipts amongst market players, including second-tier banks", - said the director of the Department of Agribusiness and Food Industry NCE RK "Atameken" Rustem Kurmanov.

A constructive dialogue was also held during the meeting, at which were considered of purchase of seeds, not lower than the first reproduction and (or) the first generation of hybrids within the Rules of regulation of the cost of herbicides, biological agents (entomophags) and biological products intended for the treatment of agricultural crops for the purpose of plant protection . Overall, the project was accepted positively. The documents are at the stage of approval. NCE RK will present the expert opinion on the subject.

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