
Timur Kulibayev: "It is necessary to develop a system of inspections, which would not cause harm to honest entrepreneurs"

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The topic of inspection of business entities, including subjects of pseudo-entrepreneurship, was discussed at the extended meeting of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of South Kazakhstan region

Businessmen complained about frequent facts of inspections by the regulatory authorities. These inspections paralyze the work of the enterprises, but, as practice shoes not all inspections complete with a court conviction.

"Routine inspections of business have moved into the category of scheduled inspections carried out by special order. Tax inspections became more frequent, affecting the topic of pseudo-entrepreneurship - shared the problem a member of the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs RCE of SKR Vladimir Nakisbaev. - Many companies in good faith get notification on the need to adjust tax liabilities, talking about those businessmen who had the misfortune to cooperate with pseudo-entrepreneurs. And they send out these letters, without waiting for the end of the audit, i.e., prior to final determination of the facts of pseudo-entrepreneurship. All contractors of the inspected enterprise suffer".

These circumstances, as it was noted by entrepreneurs, become a real barrier to business development. They offered to review the criteria on which the regulatory authorities attribute a company to a high degree of risk.

Head of NCE "Atameken" Kulibayev said that currently the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is working to unify the Tax and Customs Code, which provides a lot of innovation relating to tax administration.

The work is in progress on the development of such a system of checks of pseudo-entrepreneurship, which enables timely identification of such companies, and no harm to bona fide businesses, bring the perpetrators to responsibility. NCE is doing everything to prevent the elements of subjectivity in order to, for example, the tax authorities on the basis of their subjective could not include honest entrepreneurs in the risk group and assign unscheduled inspections. NCE is doing everything to prevent the elements of subjectivity in order to, for example, tax authorities, based on their subjective opinion, wouldn’t be enable to include honest entrepreneurs in a risk group and assign unscheduled inspections.

"Any movement of funds can arise questions at regulatory authorities regarding their involvement in the pseudo-entrepreneurship. We all know that these inspections protrude for a long time, they seize all documents, seize the bank accounts of the companies. If the company fulfills all the requirements in a timely manner in compliance with the legislation, I believe it necessary to relief such companies of seizure of bank accounts at the time of inspection", - said the head of NCE RK "Atameken ".

As for audits in general, the state doesn’t have a purpose to suffocate business, there is a task - to replenish the budget. But there should be no excesses, said Timur Kulibayev.

In general, he noted a positive trend in the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs in the region, which became possible thanks to the joint efforts of NCE and the General Prosecutor's Office, and in the regions RCEs and regional supervisory authorities.

During the meeting was discussed the subject how "Atameken" is trying to work out measures to support the domestic business community, to provide full support in the difficult economic realities. At a time when oil prices go down, the benefits on the side of those, who have the opportunity to engage in non-commodity business and who really work. Timur Kulibayev, cited the example of a unique Shymkent cement factory "Standard Cement", which, although it is a subsoil user, but carries out diversification in production today. It doesn’t suffer, it thrives and creates a huge employment.

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