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Higher School of Economics of Kazakh State University held a job fair for three hundred students and graduates

Young applicants were given on average one minute to ensure that they could present their candidacy and interest potential employers, who came to the fair.

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" made its contribution by giving young participants of the fair an opportunity to undergo internship within the system of NCE RK "Atameken".

Moreover, "Atameken" held for participants of the job fair a workshop on "Modern methods of job search", based on the original developments of HR-Manager of HR Department of NCE RK "Atameken" - Marat Alisov, which as of 2005 is an associate member of the British institute of personnel development (CIPD).

The objective of mini-training was to prepare students for an effective job search process, as well as the development of a set of supporting documents (CV, letter of appeal). As a result of the master class, students are prepared to use modern methods of job search using popular in the country online resources (including vacancies portal, subscribe for e-yahoo-group JobKZ, social network Linkedin, facebook and moomkin, dynamic recruitment agencies and other sources).

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