
Will Astana change land rules?

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Authorities of the capital want to toughen the fight against illegal construction

Akim of Astana Adilbek Dzhaksybekov deems it necessary to return to the norm of law, which stipulates the conditions for granting land plots for construction. He said this at today's meeting on the development of Astana and preparation for the international exhibition EXPO-2017 under the chairmanship of the Head of State.

Reporting on the construction plans, Akim of Astana noted that there is a problem due to the fact that "in 2015," the norm was excluded, which allows us to provide investors with land on seizure condition".

"At the same time list of exceptional circumstances, which allows to seize lands for state needs, was also limited. As a result, today there are problems in the implementation of large scale construction and the General Plan in this regard to address the proposed changes in the legislation rules for the possibility of issuing by Akimat of relevant permits and land for state needs in order to implement the General Plan not only from the budget, but also by private investors", - added the Akim.

Among other pressing issues, Akim named combating of illegal construction of objects in the capital. A. Dzhaksybekov named one of the reasons: "acting legislative norms that do not allow to take effective measures upon identification of the cases".

"On average, the entire process takes up to seven months. During this time, they make foundation, walls and roof, and people inhabit it or launch some business", - complained Dzhaksybekov.

"The problem grows. As unauthorized construction can be quickly prevented at the initial stage. We ask to support the appropriate changes in the regulations in terms of pre-trial regulation, notification of violators and registration of checks", - suggested Dzhaksybekov.


In addition, in Astana in the current and next year will be completely demolished old buildings and dilapidated houses, only 228 houses. 3,500 families will resettle. In addition, as a result of the demolition "all summer houses will be demolished in the city".

According to Akim, in 2016 more than 2 million m2 will be commissioned in Astana. "In accordance with the order the resettlement of people to three main areas is on: Myn zhyldyk alley, street Orynbor, Turan Avenue. Along with this, the task is to get rid of outdated residential areas and suburban homes that do not fit into the master plan and architectural shape of Astana", - concluded A. Dzhaksybekov.

Zhanar Serdalina

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