
"Astana" will free from taxes for 50 years

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The created international financial center "Astana" will offer extremely profitable conditions for future investors

Proposals for investors of IFC "Astana" will include unique conditions on the post-Soviet territory. This was reported at the meeting on the development of Astana and preparation for EXPO-2017 under the chairmanship of the Head of State by the head of IFC "Astana" Kayrat Kelimbetov.

"Among them - tax exemption for up to 50 years, own jurisdiction based on the principles of English common law, simplified visa regimes as well as connection of Astana with the key financial centers of the world through direct flights", - said Kelimbetov.

Kayrat Kelimbetov said that the creation of IFC of global scale, is "an ambitious, but achievable task".

"For further implementation of geographical and economic potential of Astana, it is necessary to identify Astana as a major financial center, guided by international needs and interests. Cities such as London, New York, Tokyo, Dubai, Singapore, first and foremost, act as key centers of financial services with all necessary infrastructure", - said K. Kelimbetov.

Speaking about the expected effect after the opening of the IFC "Astana", Kelimbetov said that "it will not only play a major independent role in the context of the status of Astana at the world markets, but also ensure the progress of all sectors of the economy of Kazakhstan".

The head of IFC "Astana" also informed about the first steps - the Constitutional Law on International Financial "Astana" center was adopted, which determines the legal framework for the functioning of the center. There was created JSC "Administration of IFCA", which fulfills the activities of the center and represent its interests. It is planned to create an independent regulator, and in the future will be formed by the court and Arbitration Center of IFC. As it was said by Kelimbetov, "much has to be done".

"That is why we have proposed in the framework of physical infrastructure to create a joint working group with JSC "NC"Astana EXPO-2017 and within the framework of the state commission to study the issue of the requirements to the facilities transferred to the jurisdiction of IFC. To optimize operational costs and phased deployment of members of IFC from the first to the fourth pavilion (on the territory of EXPO), we offer to make an appropriate plan and gradually accommodate the office space", - said Kelimbetov.

IFC "Astana" deems that for "preservation of the unique architectural style and heritage of the exhibition, it would be appropriate to appoint a single management company to service the facilities of the IFC." "Perhaps on the basis of JSC "NC" Astana EXPO-2017" for management of infrastructure, rent of space", - added Kelimbetov.

Among the priorities of IFC "Astana" is creation of an exchange. To do this, we hold "negotiations” with strategic partners - London, Hong Kong and Shanghai for the opening of the new high-tech trading floor. "Before the end of the year will be determined the strategic partner - the London Stock Exchange, Japan or Shanghai, which will become a strategic partner of the creation of a stock exchange in Astana", - said Kelimbetov.

According to K. Kelimbetov, the Western financiers and business circles are interested in the prospects of the creation of IFC, predicting that "Astana will take a place between Eastern Europe and Western China".

We continue to hire staff for the financial center. "In general, it is planned to create 2,000 highly qualified jobs of international level and 18,000 jobs in the sector of support services", - said Kelimbetov. "In 2016-2017, we will complete the preparation of the legal framework, negotiations with all major global players, and as of January 1, 2018 will start work all the institutions - the exchange regulator, the international court of international exchange, all as you instructed in the "Plan of the nation", - assured K. Kelimbetov.

"Ok, Kairat Nematovich, you're an experienced, famous man in the financial world, we hope that this important work will be done for Kazakhstan", - concluded Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Reference: Kairat Kelimbetov has been appointed manager of IFC "Astana" on 24th of December 2015. International Finance Centre "Astana" is a free financial zone within the territory of Astana city with precisely defined boundaries, determined by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, within the framework of acts a special legal regime.

Zhanar Serdalina

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