
Not long, but long-term

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At the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Karaganda region were held B2B meetings as a continuation of the past IV International Investment Forum

In Nurai District the land was already plowed for oilseeds and irrigation equipment was installed, the sowing campaign will begin in a week. In May, we expect distinguished guests – the representatives of the ministries of the Chinese People's Republic, which will hold talks on the construction of two plants in the area – oil production and processing of residual products. And in the near future, the inhabitants of Xi'an will consume Karaganda sunflower oil.

Expert analyst of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Karaganda region Zhanargul Kulmagambetova notes that the realization of the project for production of sunflower oil for export took at least two years.

"Chinese investors are distinguished by particular thoroughness in business matters and tend to discuss all the details with our partners "on the bank of the river" so that there is to leave no doubt in benefits for business. They are aimed at long-term contracts, and therefore in no hurry to make a final decision until they examine all the issues", - said the expert.

She also noticed that our entrepreneurs have to be prepared for such a pecularity of the Chinese if they want to win the most extensive market in the world.

Groups of Chinese entrepreneurs carefully examine the Karaganda region for many years. Investors from China are literally attracted to all areas and sectors - from industrial and innovative projects to the production of consumer goods. And, although mainly manufacturers and machine builders arrived this time to Karaganda, they showed interest to agro-industrial projects in the course of negotiations at the regional chamber. In particular, investors are interested in the establishment of a center for waterfowl on the basis of LLP "Vozrazhdenie" – the enterprise engaged in growing geese.

They also paid special attention to the project of Karaganda engineering plant named after Parkhomenko for production of modular systems and processing of man-made mineral formations. After the talks the two groups of investors headed to these companies.

Symbat Elikbaeva - the owner of the trademark “SAN Symbat” has presented the collection of designer handbags and received an invitation to the exhibition of light industry in Shanghai.

Following the meeting, the representatives of JV “Silk road city” took projects of Karaganda entrepreneurs for placement on their web-portal. Seventeen projects will be published on the website in the section "Search of investors".

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