
Gani Kasymov: "We will deal with each problem until the rights of entrepreneurs will not be protected and restored"

- Karaganda Region
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The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" received more than 12 thousand applications within the line of business protection.

A quarter of them was accumulated at the headquarters, and the rest - in the regions. In total 111 lawyers will address these issues.

These data was presented by the chairman of the Republican Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs NCE RK "Atameken" Gani Kasymov at a visiting session in Karaganda.

"For two and a half years we have protected the property rights of business in the amount of 33 billion tenge. This is the tenth region, which we visit and believe me, I had to deal with flagrant cases of harassment of entrepreneurs. More than 40% of the cases have been positively resolved by us. The percentage is quite high, this suggests that the credibility to the Chamber is growing. But at the same time it is shocking evidence that entrepreneurs have to deal with the arbitrariness of local executive and state bodies", - he said, opening the meeting.

The main problems of the Karaganda region were presented to the members of the Republican Council, which can’t be resolved the regional level. The main of them is tariff setting. In many parts of the region there are court cases, in which entrepreneurs are trying to sue the monopolists for overcharged amount of money for electricity and heat. Just a few months ago we were able to cancel the order to raise the tariff three fold for Abai business, and the company once again "stepping on the same rake". As it was reported by the director of the Branch of the Chamber of entrepreneurs in Abai district, the court hearing with participation of "Abaylyk Zhylu zhuelerі" again passed without compliance with legal procedures.

“Heat Supply Company held a hearing on the approval of new tariffs without wide announcements in the media, and again without meeting deadlines. Again entrepreneurs rights were not taken into account", - she said.

A business woman from the village Dolinka Dana Khamzina voiced shocking information. She has to pay 69 tenge per kilowatt of electricity without VAT. Entrepreneurs of Karkaralinsk and Zhezkazgan are suing now with the LLP "Zhezkazganenergosbyt" due to tariffs of 20.6 tenge per kW.

"According to a differentiated tariff, from 19:00 to 23:00 we pay 69 tenge, I have to turn off all electrical equipment, including refrigerators. The only cafe in the village had to be closed", - she said. Here, at the meeting, she managed to get an audience with the deputy prosecutor of the region Aspenbi Zharylgasov, who promised to meet with her at any time and will certainly deal with the case until complete resolution.

A business litigation is in the process in Karkaraly. "Zhezkazganenergosbyt" owes 1 200 000 tenge only to one businesswoman - Bakhytgul Abdulina, that monopoly has pledged to return in the form of lower tariffs. However, lower rates are not applied and the debt grows.

Gani Kasymov convinced every entrepreneur that no problem will be left without consideration.

"Experts from among public figures, senators, Mazhilismen are involved in the work of the Council. A special understanding and support comes from the prosecutor's office, which is part of the Council almost in full composition. What can’t be solved at the regional level, will be passed on to the republican level, until a question will be finally resolved, and the rights of the entrepreneur will not be protected and restored", - concluded the Chairman of the Council.

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