
Let’s dress schoolchildren in domestic school uniforms!

- West Kazakhstan Region
16408 просмотров

A regional exhibition "School - 2016" was held in Uralsk

Kazakhstan has adopted the requirements for mandatory school uniforms. It should be single and individual in each institution. Until the end of the school year the school heads together with parents' committees must decide on school uniforms.

Now the entire country is discussing the topic with manufacturers and customers - school principals, parent committees. Such a discussion was held in Uralsk, where was held a regional exhibition "School uniform - 2016" with participation of heads of regional, city and district education departments, schools of the city and the region.

A number of local enterprises involved in the clothing business presented their collections. Many collections aroused great interest on the part of heads of Education Departments and school representatives.

Head of Human Resources Development of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of WKR Aigul Abulkairova, addressing the participants of the exhibition, called upon to consider not only price and quality, but also the manufacturer in the selection of school uniforms. "Choosing local producers, we not only support domestic production, replenish the local budget, but we can control the quality of the products, certain requirements for the production of school uniforms, if necessary, make a claim and request to correct the deficiencies", - said Aigul Abulkairova.

On January 14, 2016 was approved an order for mandatory school uniforms for secondary education institutions. This order includes a proposal of NCE on need to purchase uniforms from domestic producers. According to NCE RK "Atameken", the share of domestic producers in a school uniform market does not exceed 7%. In this regard, NCE has formed a provisional list of 55 domestic producers of light industry that are willing to produce school uniforms in compliance with the required quality and at a competitive price.

According to the order, the parents and other legal representatives involved in discussions about the school uniform, make suggestions for its improvement, acquire it through the existing distribution networks. Regional Departments of Education, district (city) education departments recommend that parents purchase school uniforms from domestic producers.

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