
The share of held competitions increased

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Cases when the purchases are made from one source are quite common

For three months of 2016 changes were introduced in 7 thousand tender documents out of 20 thousand tender documents, which were received for comments. Such data was presented today by the Director of the Department of public procurement and legislation of the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan Sabit Akhmetov.

"That is, every third tender document is subject to change according to the results of preliminary discussions, we believe that this is a very big figure for us", - said Akhmetov during the 12th International Forum on Public Procurement "Procurement, professional ethics, governance and transparency", which started in Astana today.

In addition, S. Akhmetov pointed to other issues arising in the course of public procurement.

"At the stage of consideration of bids there is a problem when the applications of participants are deflected and purchases are recognized as invalid And, as you know, failed purchases are the bases for single-source procurement, there is also another problem in this case, when the share of a single source is very high", - said Akhmetov.

The representative of the Ministry of Finance also added that "pre-admittance protocol institute was introduced to increase competitive procurement methods". This allows potential suppliers "to correct their tender documentation within three days". "The introduction of this institute also showed positive results. Share of held competitions grew one and a half times ", - noted Sabit Akhmetov.

According to S. Akhmetov, Kazakhstan’s annual procurement averages 2.5-3 trillion tenge, which is equivalent to about 9 billion US dollars.

Zhanar Serdalina

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