astana-view became the best website in Kazakhstan

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There were announced the results of the XIV National Internet award competition AWARD.KZ

The website of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken” became the winner in the nomination "The public and self-governing authorities", gaining 6.56 points. Next came the official website of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan (6.24) and the office of the Central Communications of Kazakhstan (6.15).

This year's winners were selected by experts (composition: and members of the international jury (composition: http: // within 3 months from more than 500 participants. The jury consisted of the experts from 6 countries, as well as 4 international juries from the internationally renowned competitions and As a result of rigorous work there were identified the names of the country's best websites in 12 basic and 11 special nominations.

The competition was held in the following nominations: the media, culture and art, children's upbringing, education and science, physical education and sport, medicine and health, travel and leisure, network services, corporate websites, industry and regional portals, public and self-governance authorities, public organizations, personal pages, online stores, promotional sites.


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