
"Atameken" – stands for the phased transfer of business functions

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The National Chamber of entrepreneurs have also proposed a method of estimating the readiness of business to take over certain state functions

The subject of transfer of non-core government functions in a competitive environment and self-regulatory organizations was the central one at today’s enlarged meeting of the Committee for Economic Reform and Regional Development of the Mazhilis.

One of the main speakers was the Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Rustam Zhursunov. He noted that "now it is not easy to answer to this complex question: whether the business is ready or not ready". According to the representative of NCE, the key to successful cooperation between business and government "is evolutionary, differentiated approach".

"National Chamber of Entrepreneurs" Atameken "- is an active participant in ongoing reform today, and as is very interested in the good implementation of functions of state bodies by entrepreneurs. In our opinion, the functions should be transferred in stages", - said Rustam Zhursunov today at a meeting of the Committee. At the same time, he stressed that "the analysis of market readiness is an important step in the transfer of functions".

"In order to reduce the risks of undue hasty transfer of functions of state bodies in the competitive environment, "Atameken" proposed a model of analysis, which is similar to the analysis of the regulatory impact, which is used for the introduction of compulsory self-regulation", - added the Deputy Chairman of NCE.

“Atameken” sees a key condition for the implementation of the model in “Obligatory filling in of an analytical form by entrepreneurs" that will identify and assess the appropriateness of the choice of transmission method, taking into account the different views received during the discussion and analysis. The analysis of costs and benefits is also important, the effect of such transfer on the state and on the consumers and the entrepreneur, who takes over the state function.

"Thirdly, to compare the cost of implementing a function by a competitive environment, with the value set by the state agency. Fourthly, to detect the problems in the current state of implementation of the function. And, fifthly, to compare the goals set by the competitive environment, with the goals established by the state body, as well as to assess the results of such a transfer later", - said R. Zhursunov.

Deputy Chairman of NCE "Atameken" is convinced that all of these indicators will evaluate the quality of performance of public functions by the competitive environment. And depending on the effectiveness of its implementation will allow to consider further improvement of public administration.

"It should be noted that the quality of market readiness analysis will increasingly depend on the quality of the inventory of their functions carried out by public authorities. This should include analysis of the following information – characteristics of the function, by whom it is implemented, the cost of implementation of the function, its goals and objectives for future comparison with analytics, which is carried out by a competitive environment", - said the representative of NCE.

Rustam Zhursunov stressed that the transfer of government functions should not be "one-time action". "It is important that the inventory of a state function by a state body and market readiness analysis - the business environment were conducted on a continuous basis, taking into account the changes in the socio-economic conditions", - summed up the deputy chairman of NCE "Atameken".

Zhanar Serdalina

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