
Timur Kulibayev: "it is possible and it is necessary to develop agricultural business in the oil region"

- Mangistau Region
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These priorities for the development of rural entrepreneurship in Mangistau were set up by the Chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev

According to the head of NCE, the basic conditions for successful development of business in rural areas is increase of land irrigation and the production of agricultural machine-building enterprises of the region.

Timur Kulibayev outlined priorities for NCE for 2016, opening the extended meeting of the Regional Council of Entrepreneurs of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs. Given the drop in oil prices the chairman of the Presidium of NCE paid special attention to an increase of entrepreneurial initiative in rural areas. Timur Kulibayev emphasized the activness of the regional akimat and its head Alik Aydarbayev in supporting rural businesses. Here was opened in collaboration with the National Chamber the first in the country the Joint Fund for microfinancing of small business, the head of "Atameken" thanked the regional akim for effective work in facilitation of development of small businesses in the region.

"In general, in Kazakhstan 50% of the population lives in rural areas, while the share of the performance here is less than 5%. For example, rural performance in Russia is twice higher. In this regard, we need to teach people to be engaged in agricultural production, they should undergo training seminars - said T. Kulibayev. - A farmer today is not able to purchase any agricultural machinery or fertilizer. And here it is necessary to actively participate in the development of the program of creation of agricultural cooperatives through the regional chambers".

Timur Kulibayev instructed the Directorate of RCE to assist farmers in the marketing of agricultural products without intermediaries. As an example, he cited the experience of Almaty, where farmers are getting help with direct access to the city market.

Another problem, which is most acutely reflected in the conditions of Mangistau, is the problem of flooding and irrigation of agricultural land, said the head of NCE "Atameken".

"It is well known that the flooded land is much more fertile and productive. To ensure the sustainability of rural businesses, it is critical where possible to maximize the area of ​​irrigated land", - summarized T. Kulibayev.

According to the head of "Atameken", another important condition for progress in agriculture is the production of agricultural machinery.

"There is a machine-building enterprise. Let's look at the possibility of agricultural production based on them", - he said.

Summing up the meeting, the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK T. Kulibayev instructed the board of the National Chamber to conduct a thorough and comprehensive analysis of the opinions and ideas of local farmers on the Land Code, starting from the district level, and before July 1, to form and to submit a package of proposals to the Commission on matters of land reform.

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